Chapter 19: Peace

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Nightmare's POV:

Error came back 30 minutes later as Ink, Dream, and I finished writing the treaty.

"Error! Just in time! We just finished!" Ink chirped.

"Finished what, if I may ask?" Error questioned.

"The treaties between our balances. No spreading negativity or positivity. No creation or destruction." I explained as I watched Error's eyes widen for a second in shock.

"Really?" He asked sitting across from us.

"Mhm! We already signed! All is needed is for you to and for us to copy it when we return." Dream smiled, pushing the pen and paper to Error.

"Huh. Alright." Error stated after reading it over.

'This Multiverse Contract is written on 9-10-2019 by and between Ink Outcode, Nightmare Feelings, Dream Feelings, and Error Miscalculation, with an address of peace collectively by all parties involved. If signed then all parties agree to cease the creation and desctrion of alternative universes, aswell to cease spreading positivity and negativity.
Nightmare Feelings
Dream Feelings
Ink Outcode
Error Miscalculation.'

"Done. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go retire to bed." Error stated before leaving.

"Yeah, he still doesn't trust us." Ink sighed.

"We broke him... From his view, everyone but Killer left him or abandoned him in one way or another." I whispered.

"Then we'll just have to prove that we won't do it again." Dream smirked.

What Am I To You Lady Fate? {MultiShip}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora