Chapter 10 I CAN'T SAY NO

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Yoongi woke up refreshed from his nap. The house was so quiet. Where was everybody? He wandered out to the living room. There was Rachel, her back to him, at the kitchen counter. She was slicing limes and singing quietly to herself, earbuds in. He eased quietly behind her and listened to her singing. It was slow and most likely, the harmony part. It was familiar, but how random would that be? He had to know if he was right.

He gently touched her left shoulder, to hold her still, and took her right earbud out. He held his head next to hers, over her shoulder, as he put the earbud in his ear.
Rachel froze when she felt Yoongi's electric touch on her. She couldn't move! He was so close, his hair touching her face, his warm breath tickling her neck.
After a few seconds, she made herself look at him.

Their gazes met. He said, "Toccata. From Widor Symphony No. 5."

His voice was raspy and his eyes, hungry. Low in her stomach, she felt a familiar clench. He might as well have said he wanted to fuck her on the kitchen counter. She couldn't breathe.


She nodded.

"Why Widor?"

"I can't say no," she said breathily.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. Cringing when she realized the double entendre, she hurried to explain. "I got roped into Symphony Chorus."
"You sang this?" she managed to force out.

He lowered his hand brushing her shoulder and let the ear bud drop gently to her chest, then moved back just a bit.

He looked at her innocently. "Organ," he said.

"No way! ... For real? You play piano, AND organ too?"

Thankfully, the shock of that news broke the spell she was under, and Rachel felt like she could breathe again. He appeared to be oblivious to her naughty thoughts. Had she imagined the sexual heat?!

"You are full of surprises," she chuckled.

Yoongi gave her a bland smile and said, "You have no idea."

He stepped back and leaned against the counter. Rachel was desperately trying to focus on the knife and the limes, anything to distract herself from the man in her kitchen making her hot and bothered. "Just cut the limes... just cut the limes..." She had to get him further away from her.

Pointing to the bar in the living room, she asked, "Can you bring me the cucumber vodka and the St. Germain?"

"What are you making?"

"Cocktails for Jin and Joon. The strawberry daiquiris are too sweet for them."

"Just give em a bottle of whisky."
He was smirking as he crossed the room. That was fun getting her flustered and watching her try to fight it. This noona was cute... and hot. He wanted to wrap that long ponytail of hers around his hand and yank it while he drilled her from behind.

"What do they even teach you in college over there?" Rachel said in mock outrage.

Yoongi laughed. "What do you mean?"

Rachel began quoting.
"No dark liquors in hot weather. Stick to your, gin, rum, tequila, PGA,unless you're drinking mint juleps." She paused a bit, "but honestly, juleps are more of a spring drink to me."

"What are you talking about?" he laughed.

" 'Beer then whiskey, mighty risky.
Whiskey then beer, never fear?'
No?" she asked incredulously.

He was still laughing. "Did you even study in university?"

Rachel took the bottles from him. "Graduated with honors, thank you very much! If you can't make good grades AND party, what's the use? Now make yourself useful squeezing these limes."

They worked side by side, an easy flow of conversation. Rachel caught him up on the Emmi drama that had gone down during his nap.

"She'll be here in a hot minute. Miss Emmaline is tyin' one on Cajun-style tonight. She's from New Orleans. Those people know how to throw down. And... she doesn't know y'all are here. It didn't seem like the right time to tell her, what with all the cryin'... and the cussin'. "

"I was planning on just a little buzz," Yoongi mused.

"Here darlin'. You need to pregame before Hurricane Emmaline makes landfall." Rachel handed him a glass of the concoction.

"Can I just take that bottle of Johnny Walker blue?"

"No scotch before 4pm at this house. "

"Rules are made to be broken."

"Are you trying to compromise my standards?" Rachel laughed as they grabbed the pitcher of cocktails and headed to the pool. Time to go, Rachel thought. This banter was edging dangerously close to flirting.

Rachel felt like she was peering over the edge of a cliff. His face was mild enough, but his raspy voice was making his innocent comments obscene to her ears. This man's presence was still, yet commanding. Like the latent energy of a crouching tiger. Min Yoongi was a dangerous man.

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