4: Coffee

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I couldn't fall asleep that night despite being in the first comfortable bed I'd ever lain in for all I knew. All I could think about was whether or not I'd made the right choice to come live with these criminals.

They were killers. I mean, I was no angel, but I'd only ever killed in self defense. From what I'd heard, they killed for the fun of it. Or money. How could I be safe with a bunch of men like that? The one bright spot was that they hadn't acted in any dangerous way towards me, aside from Taehyung at his car. I had had no reason so far to believe that they'd hurt me in any way. Unless it was to "punish" me. And who knew what I'd have to do to warrant that?

Sometime in the middle of the night, I'd decided to get up and take another shower. It seemed a little wanton of me to take two showers so close to each other, but the spray had felt so good before, I thought it would soothe me enough to help me sleep. And I was right.

By the time I got out, I'd simply collapsed on the bed I'd been told to use without even bothering to put my clothes back on. The freedom to be able to do so was just too glorious to pass up. Never before had I experienced such privacy.

Of course, I should have thought better of that. I wasn't in my own bed in my own house. I realized my mistake early the next morning when I woke to the feeling of being watched.

When you live on the streets long enough, you develop a sixth sense for noticing when someone is nearby or watching you too closely. You start to live like prey in the killing fields of a predator. Either you develop the skills you need to know when you're being watched, or you get eaten alive. 

The sun wasn't up fully when I shuddered awake and rolled over to see Jungkook propped against his door frame, staring at me with a predatory grin. He was once again wearing a pair of sweatpants that hung loosely around his sharp hips and nothing else. His black hair was wet and hung in his eyes, shadowing them and making him look a little terrifying. It was the exact same position I'd seen him in the day before.

I scrambled around as I tried to work the covers out from underneath me so I could cover myself, but I realize they were already on me. Jungkook chuckled from the open door.

"It's a little late for that, sweetheart. I've already been in and out of this room several times. You sleep like the dead. You looked...cold," he said with a sly wink.

"What do you want," I asked, pulling the sheet up to my chin.

His eyes flashed with words left unsaid. Instead, he just licked his lips and uncrossed his arms. "Taehyung is ready to go. He told me to come get you so you could get something to eat before he takes you out."

I looked out the wall of windows at the position of the sun on the horizon. The sky was still gray and cold looking. A few slashes of red just above the treeline were the only indication that the sun was even close to rising.

Red sky in the morning, sailor's warning...

"Isn't it too early to go shopping? What time does everything open?"

"You ask a lot of questions for someone who doesn't have any authority around here. Get your ass downstairs before I make you."

I didn't appreciate his tone. He wasn't much older than me. Maybe a few months, if that. I stood, forgetting to care if he saw me naked. Since he apparently already had. My stomach flipped as he rolled his lower lip between his teeth and looked me over.

"I guess I'll need something to wear, then, won't I?"

Jungkook didn't say anything for a moment. Finally, his eyes flicked back up to mine. They glittered dangerously in the early morning light. He pushed off the door frame and walked over to a low dresser on the wall beside me. He pulled out a pair of basketball shorts and a baggy, at least for me, t-shirt.

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