I'm back

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Ravens flew away with shrill caws as Merlin transported himself to Hogwarts grounds. He figured he'd make it appear like he was coming from Hogsmeade but soon found a problem with his plan.

"What happened here?"

He was trapped in four feet of snow. He could barely move and the castle was still far away. It would take hours if he didn't use magic so he pulled out his wand and started melting the snow in front of him. He hoped no one would ask him how he managed to get here all the way from the village.

He thought he was gone only a day, but seeing this snow, he dreaded that it was longer than that. How much of his time did the cave take? What happened while he was gone?

He entered and immediately wished to go back outside to the fresh crisp air.

It stunk! Few students ran past him with their scarfs wrapped around their noses. He promptly did the same.

"When I find out which one of you did it, you'll be scrubbing toilets while wearing shackles!"

Merlin followed Filch's voice even though his nose pleaded to turn around and go in the other direction. It led him to the entrance of the Great Hall which the Caretaker was guarding, covering his nose with a grey handkerchief.

Merlin peeked inside, where the most peculiar scene was taking place.

About thirty students were lined up, keeping distance between each other, covering their noses and farting every twenty seconds or so. Each gas pass made them jump up startled because they were passing fire as if their backsides had turned into small roaring dragons. They didn't seem to be hurt, and some were even laughing. The fire did not burn their clothes, thankfully, it was obviously magical, but how they all came to suffer from the same fate was a mystery.

They were waiting in line to a table in the front where Madam Pomfrey, dressed in a medical mask, was giving them each something to drink. He guessed it was an antidote.

He'd seen many strange things in his unnaturally long life and this made the top ten most bizarre magical maladies. Even though the scene was fun to watch, he couldn't take the stink anymore.

On his way to Dumbledore's office, he noticed Jack sneak out of Filch's office.

Merlin quietly walked up behind him just as the boy was gently locking the door.


Jack screeched in freight and covered his mouth. He whirled around and immediately hugged Merlin.

"You're back early! This is awesome!"

Merlin disengaged himself from the excited boy.

"Yes. I'm here. What were you doing in Filch's office?"

"Nothing," he quickly replied and put his hands in his pockets.

Not suspicious at all.

"So, do you know what's going on with the fire farts?"

Jack snorted and looked at the floor.

"I don't know anything."

"So why do you look so guilty?"

Jack was gnawing on his lip and looked like he was bursting to say it, confirming what Merlin suspected - he had something to do with it.

"I won't tell anyone. What did you do?"

Jack looked around them to check if they were alone and then pulled Merlin away from Filch's office.

Once in a dark corner, he exploded in hushed explanations, "I brew a farting potion and added a few stink pellets for some extra oomph, then Peeves snuck to the Kitchens, poured it in the pumpkin juice and nearly everyone drank it." He tried to stifle a giggle. "Even McGonagall! It was only supposed to be stinky but it backfired with the fire thing." He laughed loudly now. "Get it? Backfired!"

The Gathering: The New Order of Merlin Book 1Where stories live. Discover now