Luhan's Results

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Baekhyun woke up to his phone ringing. What time was it?

He picked it up and saw that it was Chanyeol.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey. You need to come over today. Luhan is begging to see you." Chanyeol said in a very annoyed tone.

Baekhyun sat up in bed before glancing at his clock. It read 10:13 in the morning. He was usually up by 9am.

"So we're hanging at your place today? Who is gonna be there?"

"Sehun and Luhan. I'm not sure if anyone else will drop by yet." Chanyeol replied.

"Alright. I'll be there soon. Bye Chanyeol." Baekhyun said sweetly.

"Bye babe." Chanyeol said before hanging up.

Baekhyun stared at his phone in slight disbelief. He never thought he'd hear Chanyeol call him babe.

He threw his blankets off him and got up to stretch.

As he stretched he glanced in the mirror beside his bed and could see his shirt ride up.

Baekhyun walked over to his mirror and put his hand on the same spot his shirt exposed. To think that he was pregnant with Park Chanyeol's child was something he could've never imagined.

Looking at his reflection he suddenly remembered that the test Luhan gave him, he was supposed to take himself. He also remembered the slight panic Sehun showed after 'Agust D's' window display.

Baekhyun decided to throw on his normal everyday outfit.

He took about fifteen minutes to get ready. He put on his usual thick eyeliner so he'd feel more normal.

He pulled out his phone to dial Chanyeol as he didn't know how he was getting there.

"Hello?" Chanyeol said in a questioning voice.

"Hey. I uh- i just wanted to know if i needed to walk or not."

"Kai has the car, so you'll have to walk."

"Oh, alright. I guess I'll be there in a bit. Bye Chanyeol." Baekhyun said as he heard a click on the other end.

Baekhyun put his phone away and walked out the door to head to Chanyeol's house.

Baekhyun had passed a few alleys feeling a small sense of dread. What if paying him off wasn't enough?

Even feeling creeped out he kept walking and within an hour he was there.

He knocked on the door with a decent strength and soon heard footsteps.

Luhan opened the door before tightly hugging Baekhyun.

"Baek!" Luhan happily squealed.

"Lu! You're- crushing me!" He choked out.

Luhan let go with a slight frown. "Sorry Baek. I'm just happy to see you. I have good news~" he sing-songed.

Baekhyun slightly tilted his head. "Good news?"

"I'm pregnant!" Luhan shouted out.

Baekhyun smiled. "Congrats Lu. I'm happy for you. But uh... can i come in now?"

Luhan sheepishly smiled and stepped aside so Baekhyun could come in.

Baekhyun stepped into the house and side stepped to get out of Luhan's way.

"So is that why you wanted me over so bad?"

Luhan slightly chuckled.

"Yeah. That's mostly the reason. I also just wanted to hang out with you and Hunnie." Luhan said as he went to sit beside Sehun on the couch.

Baekhyun looked around to see if anyone else was in the living room.

"Where's Chanyeol?"

Luhan looked towards the stairs. "He was taking a shower. He should've been back by now. Come sit with us." He said as he patted the couch.

Baekhyun went to sit down with Luhan and pulled out his phone.

He went to Chen's contact and texted him.

B- Sup Chen?

C- Nothing much. Thinking about going over to Chan's for some drinks.

B- Totally should, I'm here

C- Seriously? Decided then.

Just as Baekhyun looked up from his phone Chanyeol walked down the stairs.

"Why are all three of you just silent on my couch?" Chanyeol said in a huff.

"Says the shirtless dude that's probably going to the kitchen to get alcohol at noon." Sehun shot back with a grin.

Chanyeol just rolled his eyes before going into the kitchen and grabbing a glass of whiskey.

Just as he came from the kitchen he heard pounding on the door.

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