Finally A Family

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Just as they'd finished talking the doctor walked out of Baekhyun's room slightly bloody.

"Alright boys, you may go back inside." The doctor said as he walked off.

Chanyeol headed inside first and went to Baekhyun's side.

Baekhyun was holding a little bundle in his arms with a smile on his face. He looked up at Chanyeol and smiled wider. "Can you believe it?" Baekhyun wispered.

Chanyeol smiled softly at Baekhyun.

"You did it Baek. We're a family now. We're finally a family." He almost said in disbelief.

Baekhyun had given birth to their child. Given Chanyeol a family he didn't think could exist.

Baekhyun looked like he thought hard for a moment.

"Is it ok if i name him?" He asked sweetly.

Chanyeol smiled wider at his question, more so the news of them having a boy.

"Of course you can name him."

Baekhyun looked down at their baby boy and thought for a moment.

"What about Park Jae-Hwa?"

Chanyeol nodded at him but the smile faltered a small bit.

"Can i-" He was nervous he'd hurt such a small child. He'd never really been around Yunji, he didn't know how to handle holding his newborn.

Baekhyun saw that Chanyeol looked slightly stressed and spoke up.

"Of course you can hold him. He wouldn't be here without you, Chanyeol." Baekhyun said lightly.

Chanyeol stepped closer to the bed Baekhyun was laying in and he handed Jae-Hwa to him.

Chanyeol looked down at Jae-Hwa in amazement. He looked so much like Baekhyun. He moved the blanket on Jae-Hwa slightly and his little hand grabbed onto his finger. Chanyeol's smile was brighter than it had ever been.

Baekhyun watched him hold their son and saw tears rolling down his cheeks.


"I feel like I'm meant to be here, with you, holding him."

Baekhyun let out a light laugh.

"You are meant to be here. I'm your boyfriend and that's our son. Chanyeol, I love you."

The tears ran down his face faster but the smile never faltered. 

"I love you too, Baekhyun."
An hour later Chanyeol heard a light knock.

"Come in." Chanyeol lightly said.

Sehun slowly opened the door and stepped in.

"Sehun? I thought you left." Chanyeol said slightly surprised.

"Nah, i wanted to see the little one before i left. Kai's out there too."

Chanyeol saw Kai's shadow by the door and cleared his throat.

Kai popped his head in the door and Chanyeol motioned for him to come in by nodding his head.

"No way, is that..." Kai started as he looked at the bundle Chanyeol was holding.

"C'mon guys, the baby won't hurt you." Chanyeol said.

Kai and Sehun got close and looked down at the adorable little face of Jae-Hwa.

"His name is Jae-Hwa, Baekhyun named him. Either of you want to hold him?"

Immediately after Chanyeol asked Kai slowly nodded. He reached out and gently took the baby from Chanyeol.

Kai smiled at Jae-Hwa and gently rocked him. He went almost into a trance rocking him and stopped paying attention to everyone else.

"Baekhyun's pretty out of it, huh? I know it wasn't easy on him." Sehun quietly said.

"Yeah. I'm trying to let him rest as much as possible, he did just get cut open to have a baby." Chanyeol said while rubbing the back of his neck.

Sehun looked over at Kai and snickered.

"Looks like someone might try to steal Jae-Hwa from you."

Chanyeol just laughed, he didn't feel bothered by Kai's attachment to their son.

"I guess he's just gonna have to have his own kids. Isn't he with Kyungsoo?"

Sehun nodded.

"Well, guess we just have to wait and see."

Kai walked back over to Chanyeol and gently handed him Jae-Hwa.

"He seemed like he was about to get fussy and i honestly have no idea how to deal with that." Kai said the last part so quietly Chanyeol almost didn't hear him.

"It's ok Kai, I'm new to this too." Chanyeol tried to comfort Kai when Jae-Hwa starting crying.

Chanyeol's eyes widened and he tried to rock him to calm him down but he just got louder.

Baekhyun lifted his head and looked over at Jae-Hwa with a very worried expression. "Is he ok? Why is he crying so hard?" He asked.

Chanyeol shook his head. "I'm not sure..."

Baekhyun sat up a small bit and waved him over.

Chanyeol went over to Baekhyun and handed Jae-Hwa to him.

"What's wrong little guy? You're hungry aren't you?" Baekhyun gently asked. "Chanyeol can you grab the formula and make him a bottle for me?"

Chanyeol did as he asked him to do and handed him the bottle.

Baekhyun leaned Jae-Hwa at a little bit of an angle and gave him the bottle. He immediately latched on and stopped crying.

Baekhyun flashed a tired smile.

"I knew he was just hungry. How long was i asleep for?"

Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe an hour, if that. You really need to rest, Baek."

Baekhyun playfully glared.

"And let you hog the baby? No way."

Chanyeol just laughed.

They were going to figure this out together. They were going to be great parents.

They were going to be a great family.

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