Should've Known Better

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Baekhyun was now 9 months pregnant and cleaning Chanyeol's house like he'd die if a spec of dust was left behind.

He was a bomb ready to explode and nothing Chanyeol could do would slow him down.

Chanyeol had bought everything they needed for when the baby arrived but Baekhyun's nesting never ended.

Chanyeol was sat down in front of the TV when he heard Baekhyun's shaking voice call for him.

He quickly got up to see what was wrong.

"Baek?" Chanyeol questioned, putting a hand on his back.

"It hurts really bad... baby's tired of waiting." Baekhyun groaned out with a smile to hide his pain.

Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Baekhyun and lifted him.

Baekhyun grimaced but decided to complain regardless.

"I'm not a baby, you don't have to carry me."

"You're having a baby. That's enough for me to carry you." Chanyeol said while bringing him to the couch.

Chanyeol grabbed his phone and dialed Sehun.

"Hey, Yeol. What's up?" Sehun answered.

"I'm pretty sure Baekhyun's in labor and i need to grab the bag we packed but i don't know where it is. Can you take him to the hospital for me?"

"Of course i will. Let me tell Lu and I'll head over."

Chanyeol quickly thanked him and hung up.

Baekhyun's face was scrunched up and his eyes were showing fear.

Chanyeol went over and got on his knees beside Baekhyun.

"Sehun will be here to take you to the hospital in a minute. I'm staying to find your bag and then I'll be there with you. Okay?" He asked gently.

Baekhyun simply nodded.

Chanyeol was about to say something to comfort him when he heard knocking.

"Come in."

Sehun walked over to Baekhyun and got on his knees beside Chanyeol.

"You feel ok, Baekhyun?" Sehun asked.

"It feels like a ton of pressure. It's really uncomfortable." Baekhyun sighed out.

Chanyeol scooped Baekhyun up and took him to Sehun's car.

Sehun opened the car door and helped Baekhyun get as comfortable as possible before hopping in the car and driving.

Chanyeol had been looking for about five minutes when he heard his front door creak open. His instincts told him to grab the pistol he'd been keeping on him to protect Baekhyun.

He aimed in the direction of the door but couldn't see around the corner.

He could hear someone shuffling towards the hallway he was in and put his finger on the trigger, ready to shoot whoever rounded the corner.

What rounded the corner was familiar white hair and that black mask.

Chanyeol quickly pulled the trigger and landed a bullet in the center of who he knew was Suga's chest. Suga hit the ground gasping with a thud.

"I take it you've never taken a bullet." Chanyeol mumbled out as he walked forward.

Through the blood in his mouth and the pain in his eyes Suga still had enough strength to talk.

"I don't play the gun game. Makes you seem weak." He choked out.

Chanyeol crouched down to look at the injury he'd just inflicted. Suga's blood was starting to pool under him and parts of his hair turned crimson.

"So what's your motive, Park? Shooting me over some b-boy toy of yours?" Suga stuttered.

Chanyeol shook his head. "He's no boy toy, but i doubt you'd know the meaning of love or family."

Suga reached out to grab Chanyeol's hand. "I'm-" he coughed up more blood and his eyes started to falter. "I'm glad it was you who took me out, Park." Suga weakly smiled. "At least Jimin didn't have to see this. It w-would break h-his little heart." Suga stammered out.

Chanyeol gripped his hand to try and comfort him a little. "So you do know love?" Chanyeol asked in a small voice.

"Yes." Suga answered.

Chanyeol watched as his breathing slowed. The life in his eyes had gone out.

He almost wanted to cry for Suga, for the life he'd just ended. But he'd brought it on himself.

He looked to see if Suga had anything of importance and spotted his signature switch blade. He pocketed the knife and pulled out his phone to dial 911.

At The Hospital
"I'm sure he'll be here soon Baek, just hold on a little longer." Sehun said trying to sooth Baekhyun who was currently being prepared for a C-section.

Baekhyun groaned in pain and looked desperately at Sehun. "Call him, please..." He begged.

Sehun nodded and dialed Chanyeol's number.

"I'm on the way, how's he doing?" Chanyeol spoke when he answered.

"They're prepping him for the C-section now. He's in a bit of pain by the sound of it. And damn it Chanyeol i can tell you're speeding!"

Chanyeol hissed at Sehun's attempt to scold him. "I'm not missing this. I WILL be there for him. See you there." He said as he hung up.

Baekhyun looked expectantly at Sehun for an answer.

"Sounds like he's almost here. Just a little longer, you're ok." Sehun softly said.

It hadn't been five minutes and Chanyeol walked into the room Baekhyun was in, set the bag down and walked over to Baekhyun's side to grab his hand.

"I'm here, baby. I wouldn't miss this for the world." Chanyeol softly said to Baekhyun.

The door to Baekhyun's hospital room swung open and the doctor walked over to Baekhyun.

"I'm afraid these two will have to step outside for a moment, will that be ok Mr.Byun?" The doctor firmly said.

Baekhyun only nodded, but wished Chanyeol could stay by his side. He watched the two of them exit the room and the doctor started to explain how the C-section would work.
Sehun was worridly picking at his hands when Chanyeol broke the silence.

"It's strange how one life ends and another one begins." Chanyeol sighed out towards Sehun.

"What do you mean?"

"I was running behind because Suga showed up."

Sehun's eyes widened and he got a bit louder than he should've been.

"Are you fucking serious? What the hell happened Yeol?" Sehun was antsy and tense, nothing was supposed to happen today.

Chanyeol ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"He walked right through the front door. I-" Chanyeol stopped to check their surroundings. "I shot him."

"Omo?! What happened to him?" Sehun asked.

"I stayed with him as he bled out. He said he was glad it was me who 'took him out' and mentioned that it would break Jimin's little heart."

Sehun stared off into space thinking. Chanyeol lightly put a hand on his shoulder with a questioning look.

"I never heard Jimin talk about Suga. Did you get anything off him that's obviously his?"

Chanyeol nodded.

"Why don't we show it to Jimin and see if he knows Suga? After this is all over of course."

"I will. But if Jimin does know him and we tell him what happened I'm not taking the blame." Chanyeol said.

"It's not your fault, Chanyeol." Sehun said sternly.

"He should've known better."

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