A Miracle

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The paramedic lightly slapped Kai's face.

"C'mon sweetie. I need you to open your eyes."

Kai cracked his eyes open just a bit before they slid closed again.

"No, no sweetheart. Open em up." The paramedic said again as they wheeled him into the hospital.

He'd made it. They worked miracles. Surely they had one for him.

Chanyeol slowly and shakily grabbed his phone and dialed Sehun.

"Yeah?" Sehun answered.

Chanyeol just let out a shaky breath.

"I shot Kai."

He could hear Sehun gasp on the other end.

"Is he gonna be ok?"

"I don't know. I'm covered in his blood. He lost so much blood." Chanyeol rambled.

"Chanyeol come get me and let's go to your house, ok? Kai will be fine. He's tougher than nails."

Chanyeol just lowly hummed and hung up.

Back At Chanyeol's House
Chanyeol opened his door to see Baekhyun crying and trying to scrub Kai's blood off the floor.

Sehun rushed to Baekhyun's side and pulled his arms back.

"Hey, you're ok. Shit, you're absolutely covered in his blood. Baekhyun, hey, Baekhyun. Come here." He said softly as he hugged Baekhyun tightly.

Sehun looked up to Chanyeol.

"I'm gonna have to use your washer and dryer. He might calm down a bit if he's not covered in all this." He said while trying to get Baekhyun to the bathroom.

Chanyeol's phone rang. It was the hospital.

"Hello?" He answered, feeling dread.

"Kai is stable. He'll take a while to recover but he'll live if there are no complications."

"Thank you." He said before hanging up.

Sehun had gotten Baekhyun in the shower considering he walked out with bloody clothes.

Everyone would be ok.

Chanyeol went to finish what Baekhyun was doing when they arrived.

Scrubbing his best friends blood out of his floors.

PsychoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang