You're Evil

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Chanyeol ran to his side and put his hand over the wound.

"The fuck didn't you knock for?!" He shouted in a panic.

Baekhyun dialled 911 as fast as his fingers would allow.

Kai tried to say something. But the pain in his eyes and blood pooling in his mouth kept anything but a wheez from coming out.

Baekhyun kept the phone in his hand and lifted Kai's head onto his lap to make sure he wouldn't choke on his own blood.

Baekhyun's eyes showed his panic. But his voice stayed even.

"He's losing blood fast!" Baekhyun yelled into the phone.

Before he could say anything else the paramedics were there.

"Can i go with with him?" Chanyeol pleaded.

"Sure thing. But we've gotta be fast, this is a bad spot to catch a bullet." One of the paramedics said.

They got Kai in the ambulance but he wouldn't open his eyes, he wouldn't move.

Chanyeol sat in the back. Listening to the sirens and watching Kai's head move around almost lifeless.

He'd shot his best friend.

He was on the brink of death and only speed would save him.

'That bullet should've been somewhere else.' Chanyeol thought, thinking about just what he'd done to him.

They'd made it.

But he wasn't breathing.

He wasn't moving.





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