Chanyeol's Freak Out

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Chanyeol froze in place with wide eyes for a moment before speaking.

"This may be big for you, but i don't see what this has to do with me." He said as Luhan shot him a glare.

"YOU are the father Chanyeol! So don't act like such a dickhead to Baekhyun!" Luhan practically shouted.

"How do you know it's me? He's EASY. One drink and he's in my bed." Chanyeol glared back.

Baekhyun had begun to cry with his face in his sleeves.

"Don't you see how you're affecting him? I know how he is. He wouldn't lie about this. He hasn't been with anyone but you. YOU Park Chanyeol."

Chanyeol huffed before looking at Baekhyun.

"That may be true, but it's your problem not mine. Maybe if you were something to me I'd take responsibility for this. But you're nothing but an easy fuck. Same as the 'Angel' everyone is so proud of."

"Chanyeol you're being harsh as shit dude." Sehun interrupted.

"I don't care how it seems. We're still in high school, we're supposed to be having the time of our lives. Sehun after that baby is born you'll never rest again."

Sehun stood up and got closer to Chanyeol.

"Stop talking shit about MY family or I'm putting you through your own door." Sehun said as a warning.

"EVERYONE STOP!" Baekhyun yelled.

"If he doesn't want this, then fine. I won't fight over something that clearly doesn't matter to him. I've got Luhan, Xiumin and Chen. I don't NEED him." Baekhyun said with teary eyes.

Then they all heard the door close.

"Did i come in at a bad time?" Taehyung lightly said.

30 Minutes Later
"So i REALLY came at a bad time." Taehyung said.

Baekhyun shrugged.

"I'm done arguing. It's mainly between those three at this point." Baekhyun said while looking at Sehun's clenched fist.

"Sooooo. You're pregnant with Chanyeol's baby?" Taehyung asked.

Baekhyun nodded.

"Please don't let him get to you emotionally. You aren't the first. Sad thing is the baby would be his first child." Taehyung said sulking.

"What do you mean?" Baekhyun asked.

"He emotionally abused one person to the point that they ended it."

"Do you mean they-"

"No, they killed themselves. Turned out they were pregnant. Chanyeol actually cried over the baby. I think he does care deep down. But at the same time i think maybe he's scared of being hurt again."

Baekhyun gave him a deadpan look.

"Tae that was his own damn fault. People can only take so much before they break."

Chanyeol came from downstairs on the phone.

"What more do you want?!"

Baekhyun looked with wide eyes.

He knew who he was talking to. It couldn't be anyone else.

"No, hell no! I've given you all I'm going to. Leech off someone else!" Chanyeol shouted before putting his phone down.

"Fuck! I just can't catch a break." He breathed out.

Sehun walked up to Chanyeol and put a hand on his shoulder.

"We don't have to put up with him. We can catch him off guard and beat his ass. Hell, it might be fun." Sehun said.

Chanyeol let out a deep breath.

"Everyone just go. I need time alone."

Everyone left but Baekhyun.

"Please Chanyeol, please think about the baby. I don't want it to grow up without a daddy." He pleaded.

"What part of 'get out' don't you get?" Chanyeol growled out.

"But please. You would make a good father. I know it, deep down."

Baekhyun had barely finished when Chanyeol hit him in the face.

"I warned you." Chanyeol yet again growled out.

This time he grabbed a fistful of Baekhyun's hair and busted his lip with a good punch.

"See what happens when you don't listen?" He questioned dangerously.

Baekhyun just stared at him in a daze. He was willing to take the beating. Maybe, just maybe Chanyeol would realize just how much he was hurting himself too.

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