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Baekhyun thought that hit was the last. But it didn't stop, HE wouldn't stop.

The punches kept coming and he could feel the blood pooling at the corner of his mouth.






Baekhyun had started to black out when he heard yelling.

Chanyeol was tackled off by Sehun as Luhan and Taehyung rushed to Baekhyun.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Sehun yelled as he pinned Chanyeol by the throat.

"Baek? Baekkie can you hear me?! Baekhyun?!" Luhan was panicking looking at his wounds.

"Go outside Luhan. I've got this. The sooner you go, the faster he'll be safe." Taehyung said calmly.

Luhan got up to sit on the outside steps.

Taehyung cradled Baekhyun's head and called 911

At The Hospital
"Is he going to be ok?" Taehyung asked the doctor in charge.

"He will be fine. I'm very surprised he didn't suffer a concussion. He was only awake long enough to say he didn't know who did it. Also we ran tests to make sure the baby was ok. There was only minor strain in the stomach muscles." Dr. Kim said.

"Thank god." Taehyung sighed. "Can i get your name?"

"I'm doctor Kim Seokjin. I'm glad your friend will be alright. Now, if you'll excuse me." Dr. Kim said before going into another room.

"So what is Sehun going to do with Chanyeol?" Taehyung asked Luhan as they went into Baekhyun's room.

"Said he was gonna keep him pinned like that until he passed out from lack of oxygen. I want to feel bad but i just can't."

"Has he ever done that before?"

"Not that i know of." Luhan said as he reached up to hold Baekhyun's sleeping hand.

"I can't believe he'd hurt Baekhyun like that. He never acted like he'd just hurt someone like that." Luhan's voice was shaking.

"It's ok Lu. He'll be fine."

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