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Jae-Hwa was officially three months old.

Baekhyun made an amazing mother to him. Always close by and on top of everything. Luhan occasionally came over with Yunji for little 'play dates'.

Today was one of the days Luhan came over.

Chanyeol and Sehun decided they finally needed to go see Jimin. They'd heard from Taehyung he'd be with him today and to stop by his house.
"Ready?" Sehun asked.

Chanyeol had just stopped the car outside of Taehyung's house. He fumbled with the switch blade he'd taken from Suga. How could he just walk in and hand over someone's signature blade?

Chanyeol huffed out a sigh and started for Taehyung's door with Sehun close behind.

Chanyeol went to knock on the door and it opened.

"Saw you from the window. Come on in." Taehyung said stepping behind the door. "Jimin is in the guest room watching some show, go ahead and head on up."

Chanyeol went ahead up the stairs and knocked on the guest bedroom door.

"Yeah?" Jimin simply replied.

"Can i come in?" Chanyeol said from the other side.

He heard a bit of rustling and the door swung open.

"Chanyeol? What are you doing here?" Jimin asked almost nervously.

"I just wanted to talk. I have something you might recognise." He said as he handed over the switch blade.

Jimin took the blade in his hands and his eyes widened.

"How did you get Yoongi's knife? He wouldn't ever let anyone touch it. Not even me..." he trailed off.

Chanyeol ran a hand through his hair before replying.

"He tried to attack me in my house. I've never heard him call himself Yoongi, only ever Suga or August D."

Jimin looked very upset and wrapped his fingers around the closed blade.

"We usually called him Suga, but he turned to Agust D as a street name. He..." Jimin had tears running down his face. "He promised me he wouldn't get himself killed! I fucking loved him!" He shouted as he sunk to the floor.

Taehyung walked up the stairs and past Chanyeol to hug Jimin.

"He said he'd come back to me!" Jimin cried out.

"Shh, it's ok. You're gonna be ok." Taehyung said trying to sooth Jimin.

Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck and started stepping away.

"I'm sorry, i wasn't trying to upset him. I'm gonna go." He said to Taehyung before going back downstairs to Sehun.

They were on the ride back before Sehun had said anything.

"What happened back there? I could hear him crying from downstairs."

"He loved Suga. Apparently he was promised Suga would come back to him, that he wouldn't die. Not only did i fuck Jimin a few times but i killed his lover. What kind of asshole am i?"

Sehun shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Chanyeol hadn't been like this for a while.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know. You were protecting your family."

Sehun was right. He had his family to protect now.

When they got back he'd get to see his three month old son and Baekhyun's smiling face.

Chanyeol loved his family.

His family was all he needed.

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