Rough Day

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"Who the fuck?" Chanyeol growled out before opening the door.

Chen just waved at him with a snicker.

"Fuck sakes Chen. Why are you here?"

"Oh like you've ever complained about having your own personal bartender." Chen said as he walked straight past Chanyeol and to the kitchen to mix his own drink.

"By the way, why didn't you tell me Baekhyun was here?"

Chanyeol downed his glass before replying.

"Luhan wanted him over. Don't see why he's exited about having a kid with Hun. I'd say that's a life ruiner, but hey. Not my place to say."

Chen lightly glared at Chanyeol before going back to mixing his drink.

"Not everyone hates the idea of a family, Chan."

Chanyeol just shrugged before grabbing his bottle of whiskey and pouring another glass.

"So, did that 'deal' really square D off?" Chen asked lowly.

Chanyeol downed his glass before pouring more and answering.

"Doubt it. He's a mean fucker."

Baekhyun just stared at his phone while listening to their conversation. If he really thought it was a life ruiner then how would he take it if Baekhyun told him the truth?

He was getting so caught up in his thoughts that he just wanted to leave.

Luhan was just hanging all over Sehun, so it shouldn't be a problem if he leaves.

He stood up and walked to the door. As he was reaching for the handle Chanyeol called out his name.

"Where are you going?"

"I was just gonna head home. You and Chen seem to be busy talking and i didn't want to bother the love birds." Baekhyun almost wispered out.

Chanyeol downed what would now be his fourth glass before setting it down.

"Oh c'mon now. Why don't you have a little fun before you leave." Chanyeol said in a husky voice as he grabbed his hand to pull him to the stairs.

Baekhyun followed him with only small resistance.

Chen sat down with his drink and looked over to Luhan.

"You never told me if you took another test or not."

Luhan's face brightened.

"I did and it was positive. So you're gonna be uncle Chenny, huh?"

Chen's eyes widened.

"Oh hell no! Just Chen thank you very much." He jokingly shouted out.

As they were laughing they heard what almost sounded like a scream from upstairs.

Chen's eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"Didn't Baekhyun go up there with him?" Chen asked Luhan.


Sehun sat up straight and waved a hand at them.

"Look, he's probably just being too rough with him. I know I've made Lu yell like that before."

They both silently agreed before they went back to what they were doing before.

An hour later Baekhyun came limping down the stairs with an extremely red face.

He waved at the three on the couch before he walked out the door and started walking home.

Baekhyun didn't expect him to be gentle but he wasn't even tame enough to call it 'rough'.

Baekhyun got the feeling something or someone was watching him on the walk back.

He clearly remembered the threat that Agust D used. He had 'leverage'. That leverage was Baekhyun and he knew it.

Agust D was probably watching him or had someone else watching him.

Baekhyun limped home faster.

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