Chapter 1

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Both my parents were doctors. My mom is an amazing award winning general surgeon, and my dad was a neurosurgeon. I grew up with medicine talk everywhere, from watching in the OR gallery, to hearing Aunt Maggie and Aunt Amelia talk about their patients at the dinner table. I always get A's, and I'm a teachers pet. Basically, no one expects anything other than perfection from me. So when I put together my symptoms, Nausea, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Fatigue- I knew what was going on, but I didn't like it.
During third period, Me and Sofia were working on a project for Mrs.Tracey, when I threw up- Everywhere. My mom was in surgery, so some intern picked me up at school. When we got to the hospital, I hurried to the attending lounge, where Aunt Jo was catching up on her charts. I couldn't talk to my mom, or Any of my other aunts for that matter, because they all lived in our house.
Down the long winding hallways, I try to avoid anyone I know, which is basically everyone from the interns to my moms friends since residency. I turn the familiar hallways that I have come to call home, hoping one day I, too, will roam these halls with a while lab coat and ID badge. I can see it now:
"Dr.Grey-Shepherd, Head of Neurosurgery."
My little bubble is burst when I walk through the door and see one of my favorite people,
With her curly brown hair and beautiful smile-
My mom jokes that she used to hate her, but after she married uncle Alex, they all became inseparable.
"Aunt Jo?" I call out.
"Zola? Hi sweetie, don't you have school today?"
" mom picked me up. I threw up. It was so embarrassing-"
"I lived in my car. That was embarrassing."
"It's just- I think I know the problem. There's this boy, and we were hanging out, and-" she cuts me off.
"Zola Grey-Shepherd. Please don't say what I think your going to say.
"I just need you to give me an ultrasound. Or a test, something. Please don't tell my mom."
"If you're right, your uncle is going to kill you. Come on."
She led me to an exam room far away from where my mom was operating, and pulled up my blouse, putting the cool gel against my flat, dark stomach.
"Please dont say it!"
"Your pregnant."

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