Chapter 18

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Zola's POV
"I've got him." I say, rolling out of bed to comfort Isaac, crying from the temporary bassinet that we've set up beside me.
It's the 4th time he's woken up tonight, and it's still only 2am.
Micheal has been sleeping in my bed with me, which bugs Andrew, but my mom says it's better that he be closer to me and the baby. He rushes to my side as soon as once he noticed I'm out of bed or heard the baby crying, whichever woke him first.
I scoop him up, gently bouncing, trying him to get him to calm down. I rub his little back, then check if he needs a diaper.
"He's dry. He's probably hungry, can you grab a bottle?" I say to Micheal, without looking away from Isaac.
He hurries down the steps, emerging with a bottle of formula a few minutes later.
"Here you go, buddy" he says, handing it to me.
I put the rubber nipple in his mouth, and he starts gulping right away.
I sit back down on the bed, and Micheal fixes the pillows behind me so I can sit upright. We both watch as he gulps down his food, mesmerized by the tiny little sucking and gulping noises he makes.
A few minutes later, he won't drink anymore, which is how I know he's done. I pat his back a few times until he burps, then I change his diaper and get ready to put him in the crib.
Of course, it couldn't be this easy- he had to go and spit up everywhere. He's covered himself and me in baby vomit, which I'm still not used to despite being home for almost a week.
Micheal has already taken out a cloth and new pajamas, so I wipe up the baby and pass him off to Micheal to change him.
"Could you try and get him back to sleep after he's cleaned up? I'm gonna rinse off in the shower quick."
"Yeah." He says, adding "I got it, go ahead," when he sees me hesitate.
I hop in and out in 5 minutes, not wanting to waste any more sleep than necessary.
Summer break started a few weeks ago, and Micheal and I haven't had a second to enjoy it.
It's not that I don't love being with baby Isaac, and I'm eternally grateful for the fact that he's here and well, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't still like to go to the beach and stay out late at night.
I sneak back into the room, relived to see that both my boys are asleep again. I dry off and climb into bed, collapsing in exhaustion.
When I wake up, I feel weirdly rested which prompts me to check the time.
The baby must be starving! Crap, he probably needs a diaper. I jump out of bed to the crib, ready to pick up the baby, and my heart nearly skips a beat when he's not there.
I rush down the stairs, and I see my mom holding him on the couch.
Thank god!
"Hey baby! Hey! You just love playing with grandma, dont ya?" She says, bouncing him gently in her arms. She shakes a little rattle, and he reaches out each time, failing to grab it and pushing it on the floor over and over.
I watch as my mom sits on the couch, holding Isaac, as he makes his perfect little coos.
I decide to climb back in bed since they both look good, and I fall asleep for at least two more hours.
When I awake this time, Micheal is sitting at my desk doing homework. He smiles when he sees it awake.
"Want to go have breakfast? Maggie made pancakes." He asks.
I nod and get dressed before we walk downstairs.
"Hello! Hi, baby!" I say when I lay my eyes on my son for the second time today, in that pitchy voice we use with babies.
My mom hands him to me, and I scoop him into my arms rubbing his back. He's asleep, and it looks like my mom dressed him already, he's wearing a cute little dinosaur footie.
I continue holding him in one hand, using the other to hug my mom good morning.
"Thanks for taking him this morning." I say.
"Of course! I love spending time with him.
A moment later, there's a knock at the door, and Micheal gets up to answer it in between bites of pancake.
He opens the door slowly, and stands shocked when he sees who it is. I tried to get a better look, but I don't want to risk waking the baby.
He stands in the doorway for a second longer. Then, obviously shocked, he says:

Growing up too fastTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon