• Chapter Forty-Eight •

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"Only in the darkness can you see the stars." ~Martin Luther King Jr

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The rest of the Christmas holiday passes by pretty quickly with my thoughts focused solely on Abel and what I'm going to do about our situation.

My alarm blares loudly throughout my room alerting me that I should get out of bed. Although, that doesn't really matter since I've been awake for the past two hours already. Why, you ask?  Maybe because I'm going to be facing the day without Abel by my side as usual. Maybe because I'm still confused and upset about everything. Maybe because I know the students will start rumours. And maybe because I have to start doing work again.  These are all incredibly depressing thoughts; I have no idea how I'm going to make it though the day without snapping at anyone.

Anyway, I sluggishly drag myself out of bed and go through my usual pre-school routine before forcing down some toast. Today, I've decided on some black leggings with an oversized black jumper paired with my black combat boots and black puffer coat. My outfit literally screams how little I care about my appearance today as well as being as dark as I'm feeling. It wasn't actually intentional but I guess it was a subconscious choice based on my emotions.

Before I leave with my brothers, my mum pulls me close, "Try not to worry too much about it Kez. Everything will sort itself out." She kisses my forehead affectionately and heads upstairs while I head out to Marcels car.

"You sure you don't want me to have a word with Abel? I promise I could knock some sense into him." Marcel pulls out of our drive while saying this.

"No Marcel, I can take care of this by myself."  I say while rolling my eyes.

"Whatever you say little sis."

"Hey, Marce you don't need to pick me up from school tonight. I'm headed to Zanes." Omari Says.

I immediately perk up at this, knowing that Omari will be in the same place as Abel.

"O, maybe you could you know, let me know how Abel's doing. Like really subtly of course." I turn around to give Omari pleading eyes.

"You want me to spy on him." He responds with a blank look.

"Not spying per say, more like a check up."

Omari rolls his eyes but nods at me anyway.

We quickly drop Nolan at his primary school and bid him a goodbye.

After that, we drive off to our school which is only about ten minutes away. Once we arrive, we all head our separate ways and I go straight to my form room rather than hanging out with Abel.

As soon as I sit down in my usual position, I put my hood up and rest my head on the desk in front of me. I plug in my headphones and prepare to lay here for the next half an hour drowning in the sad music playing in my ears. I know, it's weird that I'm listening to sad songs to make myself even more sad but I just feel like it's necessary to do that. Like why would I listen to something happy when I'm upset? Logically, it doesn't make sense. To me anyway.

I barely make it through one song when hands are hitting my back like a drum.

I lift my head up and glare at Rani, "If that's your way of saying hi, then keep your hello to yourself." I say with snark.

Rani raises her eyebrows at me, "Woah, someone's in a mood. What happened to Christmas spirit?"

"Christmas is over." I lay my head back down on the desk.

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