Bad Dream - Ethan Dolan

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Panting for breath and sweat dripping from your forehead. It wasn't an ideal wake up time either. Ethan was fast asleep, and when you rolled over, your phone read 3:29am.

"Fuck." You muttered. It was a dream that felt so realistic and of course it involved Ethan. In fact, Ethan leaving you.

"E." You whispered, giving him a slight nudge, but of course the sleeping turtle wouldn't wake up unless you screamed.

Taking the panic into your own hands, you rolled out of bed and headed straight for the kitchen.

"Y/N?" Grayson's voice made you jump.

"Gray what the fuck!" You whisper-shouted, putting your hand over your chest.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Why are you awake?" He questioned.

"I could ask you the same thing." You filled an empty glass up with water and sipped lightly.

"I was just going over the upload for tomorrow. Are you okay?" He asked again, feeling concerned over his brothers girlfriend.

"I had a bad dream." You sighed, feeling embarrassed to even tell him.

"Ethan left me for Emma." You continued and it was a sensitive topic within the household, considering Ethan and Emma used to be known as a 'thing'.

"Ethan would never fucking do that." Grayson reassured you.

"Ethan would never fucking do what?" Ethan appeared with sleepy eyes.

"Don't worry." You told him. He hated even dwelling on the past, let alone you bringing it up - even if it was just a stupid dream.

"Y/N it's three in the morning, I'm kinda worried." Ethan walked towards you.

"I had a bad dream that's all." You tried to avoid telling him, but knowing his stubborn ass, he wasn't gonna leave it at just that.

"Are you okay?" He asked again, this time raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah." You lied. Of course you weren't. Every single day you were reminded through social media, that Emma should've been with him instead of you. Of course there was so much positivity, but it still made you feel insecure.

"You're lying to me." Ethan pointed out.

"You always avoid eye contact when you're lying, tell me babe, what happened?" He asked. Grayson said goodnight to you both and excused himself.

"It was about you and Emma." You sighed, now looking him in the eye. You couldn't even read his facial expression.

"You walked through the front door, mad, in fact fuming. Shouting at me. Then Emma walked in and Ethan it felt so real. You literally told me to pack my shit up." It was making you upset - but it was making Ethan feel like pure shit.

"Baby-" He began but you cut him off.

"I'm obviously upsetting you with the topic, I'm just gonna go back to bed." You frowned, heading towards the hallway, but he gently grabbed your wrist and turned you back to face him.

"You're not upsetting me Y/N, I would never fucking do that do you understand me?" He said with a serious tone.

"And if there is a single doubt in your mind about her and I, I will do everything in my will power to make sure that you don't feel insecure, upset, anything. You're my girlfriend, not her. Nothings going to change that." Ethan told you.

"You're gonna have a fuck tonne of bad dreams, and I want you to tell me about all of them, because I'm here to listen, I'm not here to use you, or get over Emma, because personally, you and I, is more than anything I've ever wanted. You're not my rebound, I'm not going to leave you. I'm so in love with you, it hurts." A tear slid down your cheek.

"Don't cry you dick." He joked, padding away the stray tear with his thumb.

"You don't know how much that meant to me E." You wrapped your arms around him, and he didn't hesitate to do the same back.

"Who knew such a toned man could be so soppy." You teased back.

"I'll only be soppy for you."

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