Chapter 7 - The Arena

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~ Time skip - 12 hours ~ 

Rin's POV:


"Y-Yes Master?" I answered as I turned all my attention to my master; Endeavor. 

"How's everything coming along?" He asked, not sparing me a glance as he scrolled on his phone. 

"I've made sure to refill Todoroki's collar every third hour, as you asked, he's still having a severe fever and only seems to worsen by every hour that passes..." I said as his turquoise eyes rose to glance back at me, "The sedation is doubtedly necessary at this point--"

"Then put both on hold, for now, he has a fight coming up in three hours... Speaking off, has the wolf-boy arrived?" Endeavor asked as I quickly bowed in acceptance of my new orders. 

"As you wish Master... And no, but my subordinates have informed me that they're not far from here now, so it won't be long..." I answered, still keeping my head low. 

"Very well... Can he fight?" Endeavor sighed as he stood up and walked over to me, looking down at me with that cold, intimidating glare of his. 

"... I-I'm not sure about that..." I said, my voice shaking a bit from being intimidated like this as I averted my gaze somewhere else, "As I said just before... H-He still has a severe fever, he can't even stand..." I said, swallowing thickly as both of us became silent for a short moment.

"... You didn't overdo it, did you?" Endeavor then asked as I felt the fur on my tail and ears rise and my eyes widened. 

"W-What do you mean--"

"You know what I mean." Endeavor interrupted and violently grabbed my chin, turning my face towards him once again with one swift, yet forceful movement of his wrist. It hurts... I thought and suppressed a growl, staying silent instead. If I ever dared to growl or fight back against him, I would be taking Todoroki's place in a matter of seconds. 

"..." I didn't glare, didn't growl or hiss, but just stood there and looked up at him. He knows... I thought as I tugged my tail between my legs, ears leaning back on top of my head. 

"If he dies tonight because of you..." Endeavor said in a low, threatening tone of voice. I did my best to stay strong and not cower before him, but it was no use.

"I-I only gave him a couple of milliliters more than you told me to give him..! I-I did it because he deserved it! He ran away from you! He fought back against us, against you! H-He--"

"DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!?!" Endeavor suddenly yelled as he raised his right arm and violently pushed me away from me, making me fall as I tumbled into a shelf, knocking down some books and a vase along with me as we all landed with a loud crash. The vase broke instantly, the sharp glass shards cutting my hands as I had tried to take off some off the force from the fall. 

"Go do something about him right now! That's an order Rin!" Endeavor ordered harshly as I felt the familiar electric, unpleasant feeling of getting a direct order from him. I quickly got up from the floor, my right hand receiving yet another cut as the dark, thick blood slowly dripped from my wounds and landed on the floor. 

"Y-Yes M-Master..!!" I said and immediately scrambled out of his office, shutting the door behind me as pain instantly surged through my hands, "Mrrooww....." I let out a quiet, pained growl as I looked at my hands. I don't regret what I did one bit though... I thought as I started making my way to Todoroki's cage. 

Todoroki was asleep, seeming to be in pain and it was obvious that the fever wasn't going to die down any time soon, but he still managed to get some rest. Impressive~ I thought mockingly as I turned and walked over to the metal sink, washing the blood off my hands. 

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