Step 2

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Several Days Later

Third Person

He was watching her. He was infatuated with her every move. There was just something about her, and he couldn't explain it. It was like her... her aura spoke to him. She looked so vaguely familiar.

You would think that maybe, just maybe, he would remember that flaming red hair. But nothing came to him. And he was most utterly disappointed.

As he stood, staring at the mesmerizing girl, a blonde strutted up to her and spoke. The ginger visibly stiffened at the words, but continued to skim the racks as if no one was talking to her.

Strange. So very strange, the boy thought. Although he didn't want to be caught staring, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. And though she took no notice of it, someone else did.

"Go talk to her," she nudged him. He turned around and looked at his best friend, hoping she hadn't been watching him.

"Talk to who?" he asked nervously.

"That ginger girl you've been staring at for the past few minutes. It's a miracle she hasn't noticed you," she teased.

"Oh whatever, Del. It's not like she would notice me anyways," he sighed.

"Give it a shot," she smiled encouragingly and patted his back. When he finally built up the courage to talk to her, he turned back around to where she was standing. But she was gone.

Or was she?

Piper POV

"Brittany, please," I winced as the rope tightened.

"Please what?" Brittany mocked me.

"Please let me go," I whispered.

"And why should I? The world would be better off without you. And the world's wish will be granted as soon as my backup arrives," she grinned maliciously. She opened her purse and pulled out some duct tape.

"No," I shouted, praying someone would hear me.

"Shut up, whore," Brittany scoffed. She raised her hand higher in the air and slapped my cheek. I whimpered in pain and attempted to hold my cheek, but the rope kept me restrained.

"That's it," Brittany chuckled. "This is the pain you deserve. You should have died three years ago. You shouldn't be here. You should be gone." She ripped a piece of dust tape off of the roll and slapped it onto my mouth. "There. Now we wait."

What felt like an eternity later, a knock was heard on the door.

"Occupied!" Brittany yelled, clearly annoyed.

"Britt, it's me." That voice. I recognized it. It was him. "Open up!" Brittany immediately opened the door to the small cubicle, gave me an evil smirk and walked out as if nothing happened.

"Look who decided to show up," he sneered. I rolled my eyes and attempted to speak, but was unable due to the duct tape over my mouth.

"Aww, look at little Piper. So cute and innocent," he said, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. He leaned closer and whispered in my ear. "As if." Then he pulled away and ripped the duct tape off of my mouth. That area immediately felt as if it were on fire and I wanted to scream in pain.

"Shit, Marcus!" I cussed. He brought his hand up to my face and cupped my cheek gently, softly rubbing his thumb back and forth over it.

"I'm sorry, Pipes. Did I hurt you?" he asked, sarcasm dripping from his mouth. "Maybe this will make it better," he smirked and forced his dirty lips onto mine. I automatically tried to scream, but miserably failed. Marcus only pushed his lips on mine harder and shoved his tongue into my mouth.

How To Save A Life (Ross Lynch AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя