Step 22

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A/N: Ok I'm putting this at the beginning for specific reasons I can't name at this particular moment but you will figure out why. Anywho I would just like to remind you that the next chapter is the last chapter :( So get your feedback in soon. I love to hear from all of you, and I really appreciate you reading my story.

As always, comment and vote and follow. Enjoy this chapter!!

Ross POV

"Ross," Riker said, walking into my bedroom. He shut the door behind him and took a seat in the beanbag chair I had in the corner. "I just want to talk to you about Piper."

"What?" I asked, extremely confused.

"How do I put this," he muttered to himself. "I'm here to warn- no not warn- give you advice about Piper," Riker explained lightly.

"Riker, you can't tell me anything I don't already know about how to treat Piper," I rolled my eyes.

"No, Ross, I just want to remind you of something. You have to remember that day three years ago. There was obviously something going on in her life, and when she gets her memory back, its not going to be easy. It's going to haunt her. You need to be there for her. She has to be your number one priority. She's a fragile girl, Ross. Don't break her," Riker warned.

"I know, Riker. She is my everything," I whispered.

"I'm aware of that, Ross. Just remember to put her first. You know how it feels to be depressed, we both do," Riker spoke quietly, referring to the situation with our father. "Don't let her slip into depression."

"I won't," I assured him, and myself.

"Treat her well, Ross." And with that, he left.


"ROSS SHOR LYNCH!" He yelled, inching closer and closer towards me.

"I-I'm sorry," I sobbed, "it won't happen again."

"Damn right it better not," he growled. "But that doesn't mean you're getting away with this." He raised his hand and I closed my eyes tightly, awaiting the familiar sting on my cheek. And soon enough, it came. Multiple times. My head whipped back and forth with each slap.

"DAD STOP!" Riker screamed, but I barely heard him. And apparently, Dad didn't hear him either.

"Now," he said quietly once he stopped hitting me, "have we learned our lesson?"

"Yes, Father," I whispered. Hot tears were streaming down my face and they didn't seem to stop.

"You may go," he said. I quickly walked away, each step becoming faster and faster. "Ross wait!" I whimpered and nervously entered the kitchen once more.

"Yes, Dad?" I asked quietly. He grabbed my hand and looked me straight in the eye.

"I just want you to know that I'm only doing this because I love you. This is for your own good, alright?" He asked, as if there were multiple answers. But by the look in his eye, I could tell only one answer was acceptable.

"Of course." The words were forced out of my mouth.

"Ok, you can go. And remember, I love you," he said.

He lied.


Piper POV

"Marcus," I whimpered. The pain was unbearable. My cheeks stung like hell and I'm pretty sure I broke a rib or two. My stomach and arms were all bruised up, and I could barely stand.

"What do you want, bitch?" He asked coldly.

"I want help," I whispered.

"Sorry, Sweetcheeks but that ain't happening any time soon," he chuckled. "Here, eat this." He chucked a sandwich at me along with a bottle of water.

"This is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich," I stated quietly, looking at my food more closely.

"So?" He asked.

"So, I'm allergic to peanut butter," I whispered.

"That's the point," Marcus winked and slammed the door to the basement shut.


"Aww, look at little Piper. So cute and innocent," he said, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. He leaned closer and whispered in my ear. "As if." Then he pulled away and ripped the duct tape off of my mouth. That area immediately felt as if it were on fire and I wanted to scream in pain.

"Shit, Marcus!" I cussed. He brought his hand up to my face and cupped my cheek gently, softly rubbing his thumb back and forth over it.

"I'm sorry, Pipes. Did I hurt you?" he asked, sarcasm dripping from his mouth. "Maybe this will make it better," he smirked and forced his dirty lips onto mine. I automatically tried to scream, but miserably failed. Marcus only pushed his lips on mine harder and shoved his tongue into my mouth.

I wriggled and squirmed, trying desperately to get out of this place. But that was nearly impossible because both my hands and feet were tied.

Suddenly, Marcus shoved me into the wall and held his arm up to my neck. "You're mine now," he whispered in my ear.

"HEL-" I screamed, but was cut off by Marcus' slutty lips. He practically devoured my face, tracing his tongue over every inch of my mouth. He pushed me harder against the wall and pressed his body against mine. I could feel his "little friend" poking at my leg, getting a bit excited.

He stopped kissing me, but immediately stuck his hand over my mouth and made his way to my neck. I cringed as his tongue traced my jaw. He sucked on my neck for a good while, surely giving me a hickey. He pulled away from my neck and looked at the dark purple mark he left.

"Perfect," Marcus grinned. I rolled my eyes and squirmed a bit, hoping to maybe get free. But the bastard had a good hold on me, and there was no way I was getting out of this. Unless...

I licked the palm of his hand, hoping he would pull it away so I could yell for help. But I got the exact opposite reaction. He moaned. Moaned. Are you flipping kidding me?

"Oh, baby," he groaned. God I want to cut his balls off. Well, time for Plan B. I bit his hand, and this time I got the reaction I wanted. He pulled his hand away from my mouth and yelped in pain.

"HELP ME!" I screamed. "PLEASE!"

"Shut up!" Marcus whisper yelled and slapped my cheek, the same one that Brittany had. It stung like a bitch and I felt a tear escape my eye. He covered my mouth with his hand again and looked at me with those dark brown eyes that used to be so familiar, so warm. Now they just radiated hate.

"There's no way I'm letting you get away." He slammed me into the wall and ripped my shirt off, leaving me in my bra. I cried harder, the tears coming at a more rapid pace. Marcus raised one hand and slowly inched it towards my chest. I attempted to dodge his hand, but he read my movements and followed exactly where I went.

I whimpered. He rolled his eyes and ever so slightly touched me. And I couldn't do anything.


Ross Lynch saved my life.

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