Step 12

781 51 14

Piper POV

"I can't do it, Del. I can't." I buried my face into my pillow and let out a frustrated groan.

"Yes you can." I felt the bed dip under her weight and her hand on my back. "I believe in you Pipes."

"Rydel, I can't. I don't even know why this is so damn hard. He didn't do anything to me. No one has. I'm just a pussy. I try to talk to him and then my palms get sweaty and my heart starts beating really fast. No I'm not in love. This isn't a good feeling. Whenever I see him, I feel like I'm going to puke and all I can think of is that dream. That dream changed everything."

Rydel stared at the baby blue wall in front of her with a blank stare, as if she was contemplating something. She took a deep breath and looked over at me.

"Ok, Piper, you know I love you. Please remember that when I say what I'm about to say." I nodded my head in understanding and braced myself for what was about to come.

"Grow. A. Fucking. Pair. Damn, girl, its a dream. No, I don't know what you're going through, but I know damn well that nothing is going to get better if you don't man up and get off your ass and talk to Ross. That boy is so lost without you, it's ridiculous. Honestly, just please talk to him," Rydel practically pleaded.

I thought about what she said and it really hit me. Not negatively. I realized that this is affecting more people than just me. This world doesn't revolve around me. There are other people out there too.

I cracked a smile and really took what Rydel said to heart. I'm gonna talk to Ross.


The sound of my tapping foot echoed throughout the quiet cafe. The anxiety was already setting in, and he wasn't even here yet. I took a sip of my peppermint mocha frappe and looked around nervously. I caught a glimpse of blonde hair and my heart picked up its pace.

"Hey, Piper," he said gently as he sat down.

"Hi," I said quietly, still not meeting his gaze.

"Piper, listen, I just want you to know that I would never ever hurt you. I could never do that to you, or anyone for that matter. I promise I will never hurt you or take advantage of you. Cross my heart and hope to die." I could tell Ross was being sincere, but I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say.

"I need some air," I said quietly. "Walk with me?" I asked, though I didn't wait for an answer. I got up from my seat and pushed my chair in, the legs scraping against the cement floor. A similar sound was hear just feet away from me and I knew that Ross had done the same.

I grabbed my bag and my frappe and exited the cafe, Ross hot on my heels.

"Where are we going?" Ross asked curiously.

"I don't know," I muttered. My eyes were still locked on my feet. I haven't had the courage to look at him.

"Cmon," Ross said, grabbing my hand. "I know just the place." He intertwined our fingers and started jogging along, dragging me behind. I couldn't help but laugh at his eagerness and just the situation in general. It was so laughable.

He pulled me along, looking back and smiling at me every once in a while. Within 5 minutes, we reached the bottom of a giant, grassy hill.

"I am NOT climbing that," I folded my arms and planted myself. Ross rolled his eyes and chuckled at me.

"It's a hill, not a mountain. Cmon it's amazing up there," Ross pleaded.

"No," I stood my ground.

"Yes," Ross smirked and threw me over his shoulder. Any other girl would have pounded on his back and screamed at him to let her down. Me? Haha, no. This is a free ride up the hill. I'm not gonna complain.

"Having fun, Darth Vader?" I asked Ross, grinning from ear to ear. I could hear his heavy breathing as we reached the top as he gently set me down on my feet. He then collapsed in front of me and planted himself like a starfish, limbs in all directions.

"Shut. Up," he wheezed. I suppressed a laugh and sat down cross legged next to him. He looked over at me and smiled brightly and giggled.

"What?" I asked, confused as to why he was so happy.

"Nothing," he grinned, still chuckling.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat?" I whined, slightly upset that he wouldn't tell me.

"You aren't freaking out," he pointed out cautiously, as if he was worried that would set me off. I realized then that my heart rate was normal and I didn't feel as if I was about to burst into tears. I felt calm. I felt safe.

"I'm ok," I whispered. "I'm ok," I repeated, louder this time. I couldn't contain the smile that was forming I looked over at Ross and he was beaming. I got up from my spot next to him and ran around the top of the hill, shouting and whooping with joy. Ross soon joined me and we were chasing each other around, giggling and just having fun.

"I'm gonna get you!" Ross yelled, trying to sound threatening. I stopped where I was and pulled off my best scared face.

"Oooh I'm soooo scared," I stated sarcastically with a wink.

"That's it," Ross growled playfully and sprinted towards me. He grabbed my waist and gently tackled me to the ground. We were a fit of giggles, rolling around on the grass.

Once calm, I looked over at Ross and found him looking at me. The sparkle in his eye had returned and he looked genuinely happy.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. A blush quickly rose to my cheeks and I grinned widely. He smiled back at me and scooted closer to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist once more and pulled my close so we were chest to chest.

His minty breath was blowing across my face and his lips inched closer and closer. I felt myself leaning in as well and my eyes fluttered closed.

Suddenly, I came to my senses and shot up from the ground.

"Wait, what the hell? We're just friends. What was that?" I murmured to myself, now pacing back and forth. Ross stood up and well and placed his hands on my shoulders, stopping me from moving.

"We're just friends, right? I mean, we can't be more than that. Rydel would be furious. Can you imag-" I rambled

"Shut up," Ross commanded lightly and smashed his lips onto mine.

A/N: MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS!! I know, I'm late for the party but that's ok.



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