Step 20

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"ELLINGTON!" I screamed, banging my fists on the door. "IS THE CLOSET REALLY NECESSARY?" No answer.

"Am I really that awful?" Piper asked quietly. I spun around to face her in the dim light of the closet and saw a look of hurt plastered on her face.

"No, no, no, of course not Piper. I just don't want to be locked in this closet," I explained, my breathing picking up slightly. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening. No, not here, not now.

"A-are you ok?" Piper stuttered, probably examining the panic-stricken look of terror on my face.

"Yup, never better," I pulled off a fake smile, but it wasn't doing the trick. My breathing became heavier and the walls slowly started to close in.

"Ross," Piper said, her tone extremely serious. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," I tried to reassure her. "Everything's fine."

"Everything is not fine," she rolled her eyes. I could tell she was annoyed that I wasn't telling her what was going on, but I wasn't about to let her see my weakness. "What is happening, Ross?"

"Piper, it's all good. Nothing is happening. I'm fine," I said with a bit of a tone. She was getting on my nerves, I'm not gonna lie.

"Ross, please jus-"

"IM FINE!" I roared, annoyed that she wouldn't just let it go. I saw Piper flinch and recoil. She slowly backed away from me and into one of the corners.

"Piper, I-"

"No, Ross, its fine." And then the silence fell over us. Awkward silence. All that could be heard was my heavy breathing and my foot tapping every once in a while.

"When is Ellington gonna let us out of here?" I mumbled, the anxiety setting in again.

"Once we 'solve our differences,' whatever that means," Piper scoffed.

"Damnit," I muttered. My chest felt like it was closing up and the room started to spin.

"Ross!" Piper exclaimed grabbing onto my shoulders and holding me steady. "Ross what's going on?" She asked, now panicking slightly.

"I may or may not have claustrophobia," I chuckled bitterly. I was regaining vision, but my breathing was still heavy.

"ROSS!" Piper yelled, now full-on panicking. "ELLINGTON OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" She let go of my shoulders and started pounding her fists on the door.

"NOT UNTIL YOU TWO MAKE UP!" I heard Ell faintly.

"NO OPEN IT NOW. ROSS HAS FUCKING CLAUSTROPHOBIA AND HE IS KINDA HAVING A PANIC ATTACK RIGHT NOW!" Piper screamed back. My vision was becoming blurry and I leaned back against the wall to help regain my balance.

"Piper," I murmured. "Help."

"Ross just stay awake ok. Ellington will be here in just a second," Piper plastered on a fake smile. "ELLINGTON!"

Right at that moment, light flooded the room and there stood Ellington and Rydel with panic-stricken looks on their faces.

"Ross!" Rydel exclaimed, now studying my condition very carefully. "Ell go get him water." Within seconds, Ellington was out of sight and the faint sound of running water could be heard.

"Let's get him out of here and into the living room," Piper suggested. She and Rydel both grabbed one of my crutches and wrapped my arms around their shoulders. They practically dragged me to the living room and plopped me down on the couch.

"Damn, you're fat," Piper joked, now sitting next to me. Ellington ran into the room with a glass of water and handed it to me, his hand shaking slightly.

"I'm so sorry, man. I wouldn't have put you in that closet if I would've known. God I'm such a-"

"Ell, chill. I'm fine, see? Nothing to worry about. I'm not dead. I'm right here," I chuckled slightly. "Besides, I wouldn't expect you to know. It's not something you go around telling everyone. Damn, even Rydel didn't know until now."

"Speaking of which, you and I need to have a discussion about this, Mister. But later. Right now you and Piper need to talk," Rydel said.

"Wait, Rydel," Piper said, tabbing onto Rydel's wrist before she could leave. "Why are you here? I thought you wanted nothing to do with Ross and my probl-"

"I don't. I'm here to see Ellington. That's it," Rydel spat out. I could tell she was pissed about something. What is was, I do not know.

"So, Piper, I need to ask you something," I said once Rydel and Ellington were out of the room.

"And that is?" She inquired.

"Why did you kiss Marcus?"

Rydel POV

"GET THIS THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL. I. DIDNT. KISS. MARCUS!" Piper yelled. I winced at the loud noise, and looked over at Ellington with worry. I may have retired as "counselor" but that doesn't mean that I want them to continue to fight.


"Should we interfe-"

"No," Ellington interrupted me. "They need to figure this out on their own." Silence filled the air and we waited in anticipation for the next yell to be heard. But nothing came. We waited. And waited. And waited. But not a sound was heard.

"Are they dead?" I whispered. in my defense, I wasn't exactly thinking straight at that moment.

"No," Ellington chuckled, "they're not dead. Cmon we can go eavesdrop on their conversation."

We exited Ell's room and slowly made our way down the steps. I peaked my head around the corner to look into the living room and nearly gasped at what I saw. I turned back around immediately and pushed Ellington up the stairs frantically. He obliged and we rushed back into his room. I quietly closed the door and let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

"What did you see?" Ellington asked, intrigued as to why I made him come back up here. I giggled like a little school girl, a grin already forming on my lips.

"They were kissing!" I squealed, jumping up and down. I may be 17, but when it comes to my OTP, my inner 4 year old comes out.

"Kissing?" Ellington asked, slightly confused.

"Yes, kissing. It goes like this," I grinned and smashed my lips onto his.

A/N: Little Rydellington right there for ya. You're welcome ;)

Sorry guys this chapter sucks. Like legit. I'm sorry.

But if, for some reason, you enjoyed this crappy chapter, feel free to comment and vote and follow. Love ya

How To Save A Life (Ross Lynch AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن