Step 18

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Piper POV

"Hey Sweetcheeks," Ross came up behind me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He's been extremely flirty since that lustful kiss last week. Haha, I bet you thought we had sex. For fuck's sake, Ross' leg is broken. I don't even think that's possible... Or is it?? 😏😏

"Hey Blondie. How's your leg?" I asked, still gathering my books from my locker.

"It's still pretty sore. But it's better than it was a few days ago," Ross explained, now rearranging his crutches.

"Here let me carry your books," I suggested and took them out of his arms without hesitation.

"Piper, I can do i-" Ross started, but I laid a finger over his lips and shushed him.

"Hush, I've got it. Don't worry about it," I rolled my eyes at him. "What class do you have first?"

"Calculus," Ross informed me. "Room 156." I stepped in front of Ross and started walking, hoping people would see the situation and at least make a bit of a path. Thankfully, most people complied and we easily made our way to Mr. Griffith's room.

"Good morning Mr. Lynch," the balding teacher said once we entered the classroom. "And Miss...?" He trailed off, waiting for me to answer.

"Murray, Piper Murray," I introduced myself with a warm smile.

"Well, Miss Murray it was lovely meeting you, and thank you for helping Mr. Lynch with his things," Mr. Griffith smiled. As soon as he said that, the late bell rang.

"Aww cute, the bitch is helping out her jackass boyfriend. Aren't they just perfect for each other?" A voice rang out, ten billion times louder than any other in the building. I turned and saw the last person I wanted to. Marcus.

"Ignore him," Ross whispered in my ear. I turned back around and turned my attention to Mr. Griffith who was now holding a pink slip in his hand.

"In assuming you'll be needing this," he said, handing me the pink slip.

"Thanks, Mr. Griffith," I said and grabbed the small paper.

"My pleasure," he nodded his head and smiled slightly. So apparently, he either hadn't heard Marcus or just chose to ignore it.

"Do you want my help after class too?" I asked, now directing my attention towards Ross.

"Nah, I can handle it. Thanks for the help though," he smiled brightly. He then leaned down, his hot breath blowing on my ear. "How bout I make it up to you later? Coffee on me." He pulled away and smiled, adding a wink for good measure.

"Later Blondie," I chuckled and waved to him, heading out the door to my own homeroom, French.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to help Ross get to class because he broke his leg. I have this late pass from Mr. Griffith," I explained once I entered the classroom.

"That's alright, Piper, I'll let it go. Now say that again in French, please," Mrs. Smith smiled (more like smirked viciously).

"Désolé, je suis en retard, je devais aider Ross rendre à la classe parce qu'il se est cassé la jambe. Je ai ce billet de retard de M. Griffith," I smiled victoriously and did a happy dance in my head. Take that, Mrs. Smith.


Ross POV

"Finally, the school day is over," I mumbled to myself as I crutched out of my last class, chemistry. I somehow managed to carry all of my books and get to every class on time.

I slowly made my way to my locker and unlocked it once I arrived. When I opened the door, an envelope fell out. I managed to grab the note off the ground, but not without struggling quite a bit. Once I picked it up, I realized my name was written on it. Intrigued, I tore the envelope open. The contents shocked me, to say the least.

Inside the envelope was a picture of me and Piper... kissing. And it was from that small make out session we had in Colorado. I don't know how the hell anyone here could have snapped a shot of us on the couch, but it happened. And that wasn't even the worst part. There was a note.


I bet you enjoyed this Christmas smooch with Piper, but I don't think she did. Looks like you've been replaced ➡️

I flipped the note over and on the back was a picture of Piper and Marcus kissing. There was no doubt it was Piper, either. I would recognize her flaming red hair anywhere.

I stuffed my backpack full with my homework and slammed my locker shut. I was beyond pissed. How could she do this to me?!

I crutched out of there as quickly as possible, but on my way out, I heard the last voice I wanted to.

"Ross! Wait!" She yelled. I could hear her running, so I just picked up the pace of my crutching. Didn't work too well. I ended up slipping and falling on my back.

"Ross!" Piper yelled once she saw me go down. She ran over and attempted to help me up.

"I've got it," I grumbled and slightly pushed her away. I got up from my spot on the ground and repositioned my crutches.

"Are you ok?" Piper asked, worry written across her face.

"Fine," I mumbled and turned to leave.

"Are we still on for coffee?" She asked. Damnit, I forgot about that.

"No," I said, and briskly left the building. So much for that kiss.

A/N: I have one request. Look up R5's cover of Shut Up And Dance. Just do it. You're welcome :)

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How To Save A Life (Ross Lynch AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora