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Ross POV

Dear Ross,

There are so many things I want to say and so little paper. I know you're confused, but I need you to know I thought long and hard about this. It wasn't impulse. I thought about everything that could go wrong, and I knew that this would be much less painful than what would have happened.

Yes, Marcus and Brittany won. I know that. They know that. But it was just too much. I'm sorry.

Ross, I know you will miss me. It's going to hurt. Trust me I know. But you need to move on. Don't wait up for me, because I'm not coming back. But that doesn't mean I don't care about you. I want you to move on because I care about you.

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this in person, but I want you to know this.

I love you, Ross Shor Lynch. I always will.


As soon as I read that letter, it hit me. I love Piper, and I couldn't live without her.

So I didn't.

How To Save A Life (Ross Lynch AU)Where stories live. Discover now