Step 14

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Ross POV

"C'mon man, what's wrong with you?" Rocky asked. As much as I loved my cousins, they could easily get on my nerves. Like right now.

"Nothing's wrong," I replied quietly. My hands unknowingly balled up into fists and my jaw clenched tightly.

"Woah, Ross, chill man," Ryland said with a chuckle, though none of this was funny. I was beyond pissed for no reason. Actually there was a reason.


I'm so pissed at myself for screwing up again. Every chance I have to get closer to her, I fuck up. And I fucked up big time. How could I kiss her?!?! Where the hell did that come from?! I don't like her...

Do I?

"Ross, how bout you head inside and start up the hot cocoa?" Riker suggested.

"No, I'm not your fucking slave," I retorted. I threw down my stick and tore off my gloves. I skated over to where my bag was laying on the ground and I quickly took off my skates and replaced them with my converse. I grabbed my bag and started walking away from the lake.

"Where are you going?" Riker asked.

"Since when do you care?" I yelled back and ran over to where my car was parked. I opened the door and jammed my keys into the ignition. I backed out of the driveway, not giving any of my family a second glance. Where I was going? No clue, but I needed to get out of here.


Piper POV

"Piper, call me as soon as you get this. Please." And that was it. Along with the 30 messages she sent me, I got that voicemail. I immediately dialed her number and impatiently waited for her to pick up.

"Piper?" Rydel answered the phone.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Oh thank God," she let out a HUGE sigh. "It's Ross. He's in the hospital. He was in a car crash and is in critical condition. I'm going to see him," Rydel explained quickly.

"Wait, isn't he in Colorado?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah," Rydel said.

"Are you flying out to go see him?" I asked.

"Yeah," she stated as if it were obvious. "And I was wondering if you wanted to come with me."

"Rydel, I don't know. Christmas is in three days and of course, I want to be with my family. I've never been away from them for Christmas, and honestly, I don't plan on starting now," I sighed, running a hand through my long red hair.

"I completely understand," Rydel explained, though I could tell by her tone she was disappointed.

"C-could you, uh, let him know that I'm thinking of him? Even though we haven't exactly been speaking, I still want him to know that I care abo-"

"Of course, Piper. I know that will just make his day, knowing that you care," Rydel said, and I could practically see the grin on her face. Rydel has been dying for us to speak to each other and has even started a ship name: Rossper.

I rolled my eyes at her comment. "Rydel, honestly, you need to chill. Ross and I are just friends, if that even, now. I can't see us getting together any time in the future."

"You never know," Rydel sang.

"I think I do know. Anywho, I need to get going. Gotta get my last minute shopping done," I explained.

"Alright, well, just know that you can always change your mind," Rydel reminded me. I chuckled at her and shook my head.

"I know. See us soon, Rydel."



"Hey, Mom?" I asked, extremely nervous.

"Yes, Sweetie?"

"Well, uh, you know that Ross kid I was hanging out with for a while?"


"Well, he, uh, got in a car crash and he is in critical condition. So I was wondering if I could go visit him?"

"Of course, Sweetie. Why wouldn't you be able to?"

"Um, because, uh, he is in Colorado."

A/N: Here is another update! It's short again, sorry.

MY BAE IS 19!! Well, it's midnight where I'm at sooooo, it's counts. Love youuuuuuuuu, Ross. Happy birthdayyyyyyyyyy :)

Alright let's try something new. 8 comments and I'll update. Let's see how long this takes... :)

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