Step 5

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Several Days Later

"Wait, so Marcus isn't my boyfriend?" I asked, still utterly confused. I was still convinced I was dating him, but I wasn't being told the truth. Why would I break up with him? He's so sweet and kind and caring. He always puts me before himself.

"No, you're not dating Marcus," Ross explained for the seventh time, clearly annoyed. I clutched my water bottle tighter as I thought about what Ross had said on the phone a few days ago. I tried to put it out of my mind, but I can never completely forget about it. Was it true? Did Marcus actually try to rape me?

"Well enough about Marcus. How do I know you?" I questioned. Ross stopped walking and stood dead still in the middle of the sidewalk. He had a distant look in his eyes, he was clearly thinking about something. I walked back over to him and waved my hand in front of his face.

"Ross," I said, trying to break him out of his trance. Nothing.











"Roooosssssss," I whined. Even after all of this, I still got no answer. I decided that desperate times call for desperate measures. I unscrewed the top of my water bottle and slowly poured it on top of his head. He let out a girlish squeal and knocked the bottle out of my hand.

"What the hell was that for?" he asked, angry but slightly amused.

"Well you totally zoned out and went to your own little world and I was trying to get your attention but nothing was working so I decided to pour water on your head. You're welcome," I laughed and gave him a wink. Then I set off in the direction of the park, which was where we were originally headed.

I giggled to myself, thinking about how adorable Ross is. His soft hazel eyes and fluffy blonde hair and-

"WAIT FOR ME!" Ross yelled from behind me. I turned and saw him sprinting towards me at full speed. His face radiated mischief and after a few seconds I knew exactly why. He ran straight at me and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. He then carried me all the way to the park, still jogging, might I add.

"Ross," I laughed as he set me down on the ground, "why did you do that?"

"I don't know," he said breathlessly. "I felt like it." Then he flopped down onto the ground and splayed his limbs out like a starfish. He was breathing heavily, trying to calm his heart rate.

"Here," I offered, grabbing what was left of my water bottle. "Have this." He graciously took it while sitting up slowly and gulping down the remains of the water.

"Thanks," Ross grinned, still trying to catch his breath. I grabbed the water bottle from his hand and walked over to the water fountain that was in the middle of the park. After refilling it with fresh water, I went back over by Ross, who was finally breathing a bit more normally. I handed him the bottle back, and his eyes lit up at the sight of more water.

"So," I started, plopping down next to the boy, "you never answered my question."

"Which was...?" Ross trailed off.

"How do I know you?" I asked, now laying on the soft grass. Ross took a few breaths and actually answered me.

"Well, we only met a few days ago. I just helped you out, that's all," Ross explained. He seemed wary about something. Like he was hiding a part of how we met.

Then it hit me.

"Oh my God," I whispered.

"What?" Ross questioned.

"Nothing, nothing," I muttered. Questions were flying through my head. None that I could ask, none that he would want to answer.

"Tell me," Ross encouraged quietly.

"Well, um, how exactly did you help me out?" I asked, hoping to get an answer, but dreading the words that would come.

"I, uh, helped you pick out a n-new t shirt at the mall," Ross stuttered. I looked over at the blonde who was staring at the clouds and twiddling his thumbs. He seemed extremely nervous about something.

"Ross?" I asked.

"Yeah, Piper?" he replied.

"Did you, uh, save me?" I asked quietly, each word becoming softer.

"Save you from what?" Ross looked genuinely confused. No, this couldn't have happened. He would know. He is obviously unfamiliar with where my question was headed. This didn't happen. It was all just a misunderstanding. I wasn't raped. I was not raped.

"Never mind. It was nothing," I beamed.

Oh, how wrong was I.

A/N: And here us another awful installment of How To Save A Life. I'm so sorry for not updating that often. I have A LOT on my plate right now and it's hard to balance it all. Anywho...

Word of the chapter: Ross. Twenty-eight times, guys. I counted :)

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