Step 23

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A/N: At the beginning again.. sorry. Anywho.. LAST CHAPTER!!! ): Therefore I would like to thank all of you for reading this story and my works (if you have read crazy stupid love and easy love). You are all truly amazing and I can't thank you enough for supporting me throughout this book.

I would just like to put something out there. Don't. Self. Harm. Please. I'm not going to say my inbox is open, because I'm not a very good counselor (as you can probably tell). But there are people out there who are willing to talk. There are phone numbers you can call or text. Please just don't self harm. You are worth something. I promise.

Also, don't delete this book yet. I will be posting the epilogue in a few days.

And... I have posted the prologue to my new story Nothing. It's a Ryland Lynch fanfic. I hope you all go check it out!!

Again, thank you guys for everything. I love you all so very much.

Piper POV

No. This couldn't be happening. Of all the places I recognize Ross from, it has to be when I tried to commit suicide. And, of course, he was the one who saved my life.

I can't believe it had gotten that bad. So bad that I had tried to end my life.

But it had gotten that bad. And it was only going to get worse.

Now that I remember everything, Marcus is going to beat me. Brittany is going to treat me as the rag doll I am. The name calling is going to continue.





The more I thought about it, the more I remembered. The more I realized that it was just going to be 100 times worse than it was before. I couldn't let that happen.

I knew what I had to do.


I drove in my car, the radio playing softly in the background. The final destination wasn't far off now, less than five minutes. All the way here, I thought about what life would be like, now that I had my memory. I thought about Marcus. I thought about Brittany.

I thought about Ross.

I pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. Just as I was about to turn the car off, the radio caught my attention. The Fray was playing. How To Save A Life.

I sat there, in the parking lot, and listened to that song. I thought about the lyrics, and how much they actually meant to me.

Where did I go wrong?

I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known

How To Save A Life


I stood at the top of the 100 foot waterfall, looking at the rushing waters below me. The one thing that was different from last time was that I was sure of my decision.

I looked around the deserted park. It was dark out by now, since it was nearly 11. The stars were out, and I could faintly hear various sounds of life and nature around me. I was reminded of my date with Ross just a few nights ago. How I agreed to be his girlfriend. Now, an overwhelming wave of guilt washed over me.

I wasn't leaving many people, but those I were meant a lot to me. My dad, mom, Ian, Rydel, Ross...

But they will understand. They will live on without me.

I took a step forward. Then another.

There is no turning back now.

Another step.

I listed off the people I loved in my head. This time around, two more people were added to my list.

Another step.

I love you mom. I love you dad. I love you Ian.

Another step.

I love you Rydel.

Two more steps.

I love you Ross.

I was at the edge. I looked around at the earth once more and took in one last deep breath. The lyrics to How To Save A Life rang through my head. This is it.

And then...

I jumped.

And this time, no one could stop me.

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