Step 4

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"MOTHERFUCKER!" Ross yelled, grabbing his hair forcefully. He pulled on it, stressed and angry. His face was a deep red, and he was breathing heavily.

"Ross, calm down. Please," I set my hand gently on his thigh. He ignored me, now muttering curse words and death threats under his breath.

"That bastard. God, when I see him..." Ross whispered through gritted teeth. He suddenly stood up from his chair and started pacing back and forth across the room, still grasping at his hair.

"Ross please," I pleaded. "Please calm down." Yet again, the blonde ignored me. Honestly, I don't think he even heard me.

"Kidnap... slit his throat... murder him..." I picked up a few words of what Ross was muttering. Both of his hands were now clenched into fists and he walked over to the chair he was previously occupying. Then he kicked it.

"ROSS!" I yelled. His head turned towards me, his eyes ablaze with fury.

"What?" he snapped, obviously extremely annoyed.

"Please calm down," I pleaded. "Please." His eyes softened at my vulnerability, and he slowly walked towards the chair. He pulled it back over to his spot by me and sat down warily. His leg immediately started bouncing up and down, his anxiousness obvious. I slowly extended my arm towards him and carefully took his hand in mine.

"Now," I spoke carefully, "what's going on?" I was extremely confused by the whole situation. As far as I knew, Marcus and I had just started dating and everything was going great.

"I-I," Ross stuttered, "I can't say." He lowered his head in defeat.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Cause, I just, I can't," Ross whispered, not even looking at me. I took a deep breath, trying to place all the puzzle pieces together.

"Ok, honestly Ross, I kinda just need my space right now. I don't even know who you are and I'm exhausted and confused. So, you can visit tomorrow if you want, but for now, I need my space," I explained, hoping he would understand.

"Of course," Ross smiled weakly. "I'll be back tomorrow." He got up from his seat and squeezed my hand once more. He then softly kissed my cheek and smiled.

"Bye, Piper."

And then it was just me and my thoughts.


The Next Day

"Rydel, what should I do?" I heard a faint voice. After about five seconds of silence, the person spoke again. This time, I recognized the voice.

"She thinks she's thirteen. Thirteen! And she also thinks she's dating that bastard Marcus. God I want to stab that jackass 15 billion times," Ross growled. What had Marcus ever done to him? Geez!

"I know I don't know her that well, but you saw what he was going to do to her. He was going to rape the shit out of her, and you know it would've happened if we hadn't showed up," Ross stated. I couldn't help but gasp quietly. Marcus was going to rape me? When? Why don't I remember this?

"That doesn't matter, Del. Honestly. This girl was almost raped. Of course I'm going to feel protective over her," Ross explained. I decided I would "wake up" before things got too heated between Ross and this Rydel person, whoever she was.

I slowly opened my eyes then squeezed them back closed at the bright light. I yawned, trying to shake all signs of sleepiness.

"Hey, Del, she's waking up. I gotta go," Ross said. "Yeah, ok. Bye." I squinted my eyes and looked towards Ross. He grinned at me then copied my expression, squishing up his face and barely keeping his eyes open.

"Morning, Sleepyhead," he teased. I opened my eyes wider and sat up, stretching my arms.

"Morning," I yawned. I looked back over at Ross and saw that he was holding a bouquet of flowers. He noticed I was looking at them, and he handed them to me.

"For you," he smiled. I took the flowers from his hand and examined them more carefully. I recognized the tulips and sunflowers, but a few others were unfamiliar.

"What kind are these?" I pointed to the white flowers.

"Those are Gardenias. And the red ones are Amaryllis," Ross explained, slightly blushing.

"Well they are beautiful. Thank you," I smiled. I held the bouquet up to my nose and sniffed. And then it flashed in my mind.


"I'm Ross," the blonde haired kid next to me said. He looked about 14 or 15, and I was confused as to what he was doing here. But more than that, I was frustrated that I was here.

"These are for you," he handed me a bouquet of flowers. I looked over at the kid and smiled slightly. He made me feel like I was worth something.

"Thanks," I whispered, taking the flowers in hand.

"No problem," he flashed me a smile. And then he left.


A/N: Super short, I know. I apologize for not updating in like a week. I know its not that long but I still feel guilty :p

Anywho, Comment and Vote and Follow. Love you guys :)

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