Step 7

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Piper please

Please pick up

Answer me


Please Piper

C'mon Pipes


These were just a few of the many messages I received from Ross after I our little fallout. I ignored most of them, but one stood out from me.

I'm not giving up on us. I will never let you go

If I'm telling the truth here, that text made my heart flutter. As much as I don't want to speak to him, I have a feeling that Ross will somehow wiggle his way back into my heart.

"What's up buttercup?" Rydel asked, entering my room unexpectedly.

"Nothing really. The sky. A bird," I joked.

"That's not what I meant," Rydel rolled her eyes.

"I know," I winked.

"But seriously, what's going on? Something seems to be bothering you," Rydel said.

"Is it that obvious?" I groaned.

"No, I'm just really good a reading people," Rydel replied cheekily. "Now spill."

"Well, uh, I'm just not on the best terms with Ross right now," I explained.

"That's it? That's what's got you all worked up?" Rydel tried to hold back a laugh. "Why are you so worried about that?"

"We aren't even speaking to each other. Well, he wants to talk to me, but don't want to speak to him."

"And why is that?"

"Because I was with Brittany and Marcus and he told me to stay away from them. He's become really controlli-"

"Stay away from them. Don't talk to them, don't get near them, don't even look at them," Rydel practically growled.

"What is up with you two? Why should I stay away from them? What have they ever done to you?"

"It's not what they've done to me," Rydel murmured, barely audible.

"What was that?" I asked. "Can you repeat that?"

"Huh what?" Rydel asked.

"What did you just say?" I repeated.

"Nothing of your concern," Rydel waved her hand dismissively. I decided to let it go and not argue with her. I had already screwed everything up with Ross, and I didn't want to make the same mistake with Rydel.






That's it. I'm paying you a visit

I rolled my eyes as the last text came in. He can't be serious. Why does he care so much about me? I'm just done lame ass girl who lost her memory and pissed off at least 50 people in the last week, including Ross AND Rydel. I don't know why either of them even bother with being my "friend."

I turned on the TV, totally dismissing the idea of Ross actually coming to my house. I ended up channel surfing. Woopdiedoo.

Jeopardy? No.

Football? Nope.

Naked and Afraid? Hell yes. Just kidding. Never.

Call of the Wildman? Maybe...

"Piper, sweetie?" My mom entered the living room.

"Yeah, mom?" I asked.

"There's someone at the door for you," she winked. Oh my dear Lord in heaven above. Is Ross really here?

"Ok," I answered warily. I got up off the couch and walked over to the door. And sure enough, there was the blonde boy himself holding, yet another, bouquet of flowers.

"You really have outdone yourself this time, haven't you?" I chuckled, not-so-discreetly checking him out. He was wearing a pair of black jeans with a white t-shirt and a leather jacket. Simple yet badass. What can I say? Dude's a nice looking guy.

"I have a delivery for the beautiful Piper Murray," he spoke with a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"Well Piper Murray is my name, but in anything but beautiful. I think you're looking for someone else," I sighed. Ok he may look good, but that doesn't mean he can just worm his way back into my heart.

A frown appeared on his face and he looked deflated. I sighed again and attempted to shut the door, but Ross stuck his foot in between the door and the jam. He lightly pushed the door back open and looked at me, the frown still present.

"Piper," Ross started softly.

"Don't. Please," I whispered, stopping him from saying anything else. "Please just leave." To my surprise, Ross opened the door just a little bit more and stepped one foot in. He planted a soft kiss on my cheek and pulled away, giving a weak smile.

"See you later Piper," he waved and walked out closing the door behind him. I lifted my hand to my cheek and gently touched the tingling spot that Ross' lips touched not even 10 seconds ago.


"Piper," his voice rang out. My legs just kept moving, hoping to be farther and farther from him. But I could tell he was catching up,

"Piper! Please!" He spoke again, his voice closer this time. I rounded the corner into my drive way and sprinted towards the door. I opened the door frantically and slammed it shut. I leaned against the door, still breathing heavily.

"Piper!" He shouted, now banging his fists on the door. I shook my head as tears burned in my eyes. I ran a hand through my hair and slid my back down the door until I was sitting on the floor.

"Go away Marcus!" I shouted through the tears.

"Please, Pipes. Please open up, Baby," he pleaded.

"No," I whispered. My breath was still heavy, my legs were sore, and my cheek still stung from the contact. But the thing that hurt me most was his words.

"You're so ugly. I don't know why I ever dated a whore like you."

A/N: Hey yo! So here it is. Shoutout to Those_Crazy_Mofos37 /Niallerz_Cupcake37 / DemLynches ... yeah... all the same person... anywho go check out her stuff:)

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