Step 13

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I immediately melted into the kiss, and moved my lips in sync with his. His arms tightened around my waist and I felt safe and secure. I felt at hom-

Haha, no.

My eyes widened as soon as his lips touched mine and I pushed him away forcefully.

"What the fuck was that for, Ross?" I screamed.

"I- I don't know what came over me," Ross whispered, still half dazed. I shook my head and did the only thing I could think of. I slapped him.

"OW!" Ross yelled. "What the fuck was that for?"

"I don't know what came over me," I mocked him. He glared at me and I could tell I hit a nerve. His cheek was already becoming red and his eyes radiated regret.

"I-I'm just, uh, gonna go," I stuttered, a wave a guilt washing over me. I turned away from the saddened blonde and started to walk down the hill. Part of me expected Ross to call out for me or follow me, but all of my being yearned for him to do so.

But nothing happened. He didn't call my name or come running after me. He stood at the top of the hill, watching me longingly. I never looked back, but knowing Ross, I knew he was doing exactly that.

Way to go, Piper. Way to fuck up again.


It's been a month. I haven't spoken to Ross since that day. In fact, I haven't done much at all since that day. I've gone to school, hung out with Rydel a few times, but other than that, I've sat in my room doing nothing. I still talk to Marcus and Brittany once in a while, but I've been distancing myself from them.

I've become depressed. I don't eat as much and there are days when I just want to pick up a razor or a bottle of pills and end it all. But then I remember my dad, and my mom, and Ian. And I think of Rydel and Ross. And I know I wouldn't be happier in another place.

A few memories have returned here and there. Nothing out of the oridnary. Except for one.


"Marcus, why are you doing this to me?" My voice cracked at the end of my sentence.

"Why shouldn't I? You deserve it. You're a bitch. A slut. I bet I could get you to sleep with me right here, right now," he grinned maliciously.

"No! I would never have sex with you again! You are the worst thing that's ever happened to me, Marcus!" I stood up for myself. Big. Mistake.

"The worst thing? HA! Honey, I'm the BEST thing that's ever happened to you. I treat you so well, and what do I get in return? Your bullshit lies and disloyalty," Marcus shook his head in disgust.

"But you need me, and you know it. Without me, you will be the laughing stock of the school. No one will ever want to talk to you, or even look at you. You will have no one. Do you want that to happen?" He asked. I stayed silent.

"I thought not. So, if you want to live the loner life, go right ahead. I will make your life a living hell. What do you want?" He asked once more. I contemplated the outcomes and quickly made a decision.

"I want to be left alone. I don't want anything to do with you. We. Are. Through," I stated proudly.

"Wrong choice," Marcus growled. He shook his head and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

That was the day when my life turned upside down.


A/N: hi. It's short, I know, but it's something.

You know the drill :)

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