After Party

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The after party was at Christina's house. Her basement was an apartment itself and she had it set up perfectly for good house party. There were three beer pong tables in one area with fuze-ball next to it. There were speakers in every corner and the flat screen T.V. was playing famous music videos that had come out during the year. She even had a bar with an actual bartender that could fix drinks and mix cocktails. It was crazy. And with its soundproof walls we wouldn't be having any issues with the neighbors or any police either.

It was nicer than the party I had gone to with Sarah earlier during the semester. Classier almost, as people had exchanged their long gowns and tux's for more casual, shorter dresses and button up shirts. Still people looked way nicer than a regular house party. I couldn't tell if it was because of the dance or because people knew whose house they were going to be in.

Christina clearly had a reputation. Or at least her family name did.

Either way it seemed like the perfect setting for a pick me up and I was gonna try and make the most of what was left of the night.

Harry said we'd talk about what he said tomorrow. The dread in my stomach was like a bowling ball.

"Whoa, this place is impressive." I heard Dillon mummer and I smiled at him. He was in awe.

"Oh yeah, Christina isn't anything less than impressive." I replied with a slight laugh.

He nodded. His hand was clutching Sarah's but she seemed a little distant leaving a weird space between them. I wondered if she was still worried about being intimate with him. I would have to talk to her about it since we were good again.

"What'd you think of the girls? Sabrina and what was her name? You know, Finn's date." I asked her and she shrugged.

"They seemed nice enough. I didn't really talk to them."

"I thought they were both pretty sweet. Shocking that could John and Finn could nag someone genuine." I joked and she laughed with me.

My laughter felt fake. Forced.

"Speak of the devil."

"Monty! There you are!" Finn put his arm around my shoulder and tucked me into his side.

He grinned down at me and then, quite dramatically, noticed Sarah and Dillon.

"Gosh! I didn't see you two. How are you enjoying the party? Amazing eh?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

I almost laughed out loud at his behaviour. Finn always boosted my mood. There was something special about him. Dillon seemed oblivious, but Sarah seemed to find Finn's playing dumb less than funny.

"Yeah it's great man. You?" Dillon responded politely.

Dillon was definitely out of his comfort zone and had been all night, even when he was at the school. He rarely interacts with Harrison and his crowd. However, I did think he was doing a great job socialising. I think he was having fun with it too. Finn just gave him a look and shrugged before turning back to me and then tugging me away without even a word at the other two people we were talking to.

I frowned at him. It wasn't like him to be rude and his brush off of Dillon's question was rude.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"What was what?"

"That. You were just really weird and then kinda impolite to Dillon and Sarah."

"Was I? I didn't mean to be." He responded noncommittally, "What did you think of Yasmin?" He asked, his eyes bright.

His enthusiasm was back and I decided to let his weird attitude slide. I felt happy for him, if he really liked Yasmin.

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