I Told You So

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I couldn't find Sarah. Or anyone I knew who I had come with.

I only made it to the bar before I couldn't keep going.

I needed a drink. Then I'd leave.

"I'm just going to get it over with: I told you so." My shoulders tensed at the voice coming from behind me. I was waiting for my rum and coke that I had just ordered. I hadn't planned on drinking tonight, but I wasn't driving. What the heck right? I slowly turned around and pursed my lips. The dirty blonde boy, who towered over me with a beer in his hand, had a satisfied smirk on his face that aggravated me. Stupid, self-righteous jerk boy. I didn't want to talk to him let alone listen to his gloating about how he knew that Harrison and I would break up.

I just never saw it coming like this.

How did he know what had happened already?

"You're an asshole." I said crossing my arms over my chest and narrowing my eyes. I had decided to pretend that they weren't red rimmed and puffy from crying. Thankfully John decided to as well and he just continued to smirk and set my teeth on edge. His eyes had a strange glint in them that I didn't trust. It was so unusual for me to witness it in him let alone have it directed at me. Although I had to admit there was something about it that caused the corners of my lips to reluctantly twitch up and a gratified feeling to swell within me. And despite my heartache and the sob I felt threatening to break through I felt accomplished at making Mr. Sourpuss lighten up, or maybe he was more sadistic than I thought and just liked see my pain. The second was the more likely explanations.

"That is something I have heard before, though I didn't think wimpy Montgomery would ever say it to my face."

"Does it look like I'm in the mood for your usual hate right now."

He sighed, "Haven't we covered this? I don't hate you."

"Yeah well, Jerk is still your middle name." I said now almost showing teeth through my watery smile as I pretended to inspect my cuticles. I glanced up at him discretely through my damp eyelashes and he wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't been staring right at my face anyway. I quickly looked back to fingers.

"I don't recall sharing my middle name with you, Montgomery. How did you figure it out?"

"It's been written on your forehead this whole time." I said halfheartedly and he laughed. His laugh was deep and smooth and not his usual sniggering snorting that usually came at my expense. I liked this laugh much better.

"Okay Mon. You got me this time." I smirked at him and tossed my curled hair over my shoulder triumphantly. Through my façade of being fine I picked up on the fact he just called me by my nickname and not my last name for the first time. Being playful was keeping my mind off of Liana's words, how Harrison had only dated me as some kind of sport.

"Now hold on a second. Don't go climbing up on any high horse. It's just the battle not the war. Besides I've had a few beers and so I'm not at the top of my game." And with that he took a long gulp from the bottle to prove his point.

"Excuses." I mumbled and he grinned.

Flashing me a bright and almost charming smile. I would even say that the beer and atmosphere of the party seemed to have caused his usually cool eyes to warm into something of a softer nature. It was quite comforting actually to look into them.... And with that scary thought I turned to take my new drink from the bar and expected that to be the end of our conversation.

"You don't look ugly tonight." He said out of the blue, leaning on a barstool and casually resting an elbow on the table. I snorted out a laugh, if anyone else had said that to me I probably would have blushed or taken offense, but it was John.

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