Chapter 6

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I sat in the library after the Biology lesson. Mrs Keaton had given us an assignment as lab partners to dissect and study a fish of our choice and submit a written report on the entire process. All I knew about fish was how tasty they were. Which wouldn't help much. So I was here, engrossed in studying the fascinating make up of fish.

Or at least, trying too... But Warren kept popping back into my head. He'd been early for the lesson this time, and he'd smiled at me when he sat down, effectively shutting down my brain. All through the lesson, he sat back in his chair, his gaze on Mrs Keaton - I actually caught her blushing a time or two - while he absently toyed with his pen, not taking any notes.

I was mesmerized. Just gazing at his arm had occupied me for most of the lesson. Because he was so tall, his arm was long and, even in this relaxed stated, looked powerful. After the lesson, he stood fluidly, turned to me and winked. And I was frozen in place as he strode confidently out.

Even now, as I tried to study, I couldn't get that wink out of my head. What exactly did it mean?

"Psst! Belle!"

I looked up. Three of my friends came and settled at my desk, clearly with no intention of studying. I expected either Warren or Vic to be the topic of discussion and mentally prepared myself. "Hi, guys."

"We're all going to Chuck's after school," Derek announced excitedly.

"And he said today is extra special, and you have to come," Anya giggled.

"Why, what's going on there?"

They exchanged glances and Anya said, "It's a surprise. You in?"

I hated to ruin their fun, but I knew I had to put on my best apologetic smile. "Love to, guys, but I need to work on my Biology project."

"Biology? With Warren Strandton?" Anya asked.


The smiles wore off their faces and they glanced at each other awkwardly. Derek cleared his throat and Amber said, "Oh."

Anya fixed me with the kind of look you give a kid before you explain that Santa isn't coming on Christmas. "Belle, he never collaborates on a project with anyone. He just hands his partner the full report or conducts the entire experiment himself, even in class."

My heart sank. In truth, I'd been looking forward to spending more time with him. I put on my nonchalant smile anyway. "Well, then I guess I'm in."

The girls' answering smiles were wet, but Derek fixed me with an intense look. "Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about Victor and Warren."

"Derek!" Anya chided.

"No, Anya, we can't wait any longer."

I tucked my hair back. "Okay, what?"

He seemed to be thinking through his statement carefully before he spoke. "Being close to them... Doesn't that make you feel weird?"

I looked blank. Weird? Of course I felt weird!

When I was with Victor, I felt like I was with my best friend, like I could tell him anything, share anything with him. I knew I could rely on him, depend on him. When with Warren... Well, I couldn't classify that at all. I was hyper aware of him and my mind stopped working in his vicinity.

But looking at my friends, I knew it wasn't the weird they meant. "What?"

"Like, I don't know, scared?"

My dream popped up unbidden. Victor with glowing red eyes and impossibly sharp teeth, Warren somehow becoming a massive cat... My heart skipped a beat. I never felt scared of them, but was I missing something? I looked round the desk. The girls looked uncomfortable and avoided my eyes. "You're afraid of them?" I prodded.

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