Chapter 10

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The excitement was almost tangible. The whole arena was buzzing with it. This was one Saturday where the students were actually glad to be in school and didn't mind having their parents around. Roughly half the town had shown up for the game. We hurried in to secure comfortable seats. I noticed Ashley already sitting in the front row as we sped by. I would have said hi, but she had phones stuck in her ears and was concentrating on something in space.

I sat down with the guys, flanked by the couples. For a moment, I wondered if I'd be able to relax and stop worrying about Victor. He hadn't called back, or even texted. He hadn't shown up today, but I half expected it since he hated basketball. My greatest fear was that he'd collapsed at home and no one would find out for days. Vic, call me! I commanded silently.

"Break out the goods, man," Chuck said, drawing me from my thoughts.

"Oh, right," Derek replied, fishing out a bag of groceries from his bag. He passed snacks around and I thankfully accepted my share.

The lights over the bleachers dimmed, and everything went quiet as the announcer came on. On his cue, the visiting team trotted onto the court. I checked out their black and white kits, and that's all the attention I paid them. Then our team's cheerleaders came onto the court to introduce the opening. As they were dancing, the team came onto the court in their red and gold kits to roaring applause and fangirly screams.

Warren came strolling in behind them, still in his jacket. As he approached the cheerleaders, he took off the jacket and held it out to Ashley, who had already walked up to get it. Then he went back to the cheerleaders.

And joined the routine.

I took a sharp breath as the screaming intensified. I could not believe it; Warren Strandton was dancing and actually enjoying it! And he was good at it, too. He was so good it had to be illegal, and it set me blushing. Afterwards, he made a shooting motion at Ashley, wicked grin in place. His eyes flitted over the bleachers and, for a wild second, I believed that our eyes met and held. Then he walked away and the moment was gone. When conversation picked up again, I was still a little disoriented.

Was there ever any doubt? With Warren as Captain and Roger as his co-captain, with such great skill and finesse, how could we not win?


It was all about fun. You could see it in the energy people put into dancing, hear it in the tempo of the music, feel it in the very air. Everyone was enjoying themselves, and a little of the excitement rubbed off on me too. As I made my way back to our table, mentally preparing myself for another round of selfies, I reflected on how high school parties were all the same, even in such a small town. My eyes sought out the two couples I was here with, then rolled.

Chuck and Amber were kissing; Derek and Anya were now necking. I leave them alone for two minutes to get a refill...

"Behave yourselves, guys," I admonished, sitting down. "I'm still here."

They broke apart, blushing and laughing. I concentrated on my juice -

- and was surprised to feel a resounding kiss on each cheek even as a camera snapped. Chuck and Derek were flanking me.

"Just so you don't feel left out," Chuck grinned.

"Let's dance!" Derek drew me onto the dancefloor despite my protests.

He started a dance that had little to do with coordination and everything to do with energy, which set me laughing. He took my hand and twirled me.

"This is how to dance with a woman," Chuck shouted over the din, pulling me to him. My laughter came in fits as he tried to teach me an intricate dance with lots of stepping. I was beginning to get the hang of it when a tall blond guy pulled me into his arms, drawling, "I'll dance with you, hon."

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