Chapter One.

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Marina's Point of View.

. . .

I look over my shoulder, and out of the window. Puffy white clouds and blue skies surround me. There are mountains below, and I can make out tiny buildings and houses. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, soaking everything in. I'm really doing this. I'm finally getting out of London, and creating a new start, a new life, in Los Angeles.

A voice comes over the speakers, disrupting my thoughts;

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent into Los Angeles. Please turn off all portable electronic devices, secure your carry-on items, and stow your tray table. We are expected to arrive around 12:30pm. Thank you."

I peep down at my phone to check the time, it's just past 12. I start feeling jittery, my nerves getting to me. I thought I had calmed them down, but I expected myself to feel this way. It's not easy to stay calm when I'm literally moving across the world, and leaving everything and everyone behind. I start to unconsciously tap my foot against the floor.

. . .

A few anxious-filled minutes go by, and I force myself to look out the window again. This time, I can see the familiar city I've come to know and love over the years. This isn't my first time in LA, no. I've played many shows here and have many connections that would force me back here every so often. Which reminds me, I can't wait to get settled into my new home and see my friends whom I haven't in ages. That thought brings a slight grin on my face, and eases my nerves as I contemplate who to see first.

Soon enough, my flight lands and I'm stepping on American ground once again. This time, however, it's not temporary. I claim my luggage and I meet my manager at the arrival pick up. He helps me load my bags in his car and we are soon on our way out of the hectic LAX airport.

"Nice to see you again, my lady." He smiles.

"You as well, Phillip, my love." I reply as I study the traffic in front of us, something I will have to get used to. Traffic can be bad back home, but this is something completely different.

"You had a nice flight, I presume?"

"It was alright, nothing exciting."

He chuckles at my response, "Well, I'm glad you made it, and I'm glad you're here to stay. You will fit right in here. This is LA!"

"The achromatic city, where the people are so grey." I respond, knowing he won't understand my reference. I'm certain he hasn't listened to my early demos.

"Great attitude!" He has a sarcastic tone, "I'll help you get unpacked and everything. Most of your boxes have already arrived, and we have your bed all ready to go for you so you don't have to worry about that. Just get your beauty sleep and leave the rest to us."

His news relieves me a bit, "thank you, Phillip. I appreciate all your help."

"Absolutely, Marina. As a welcoming gift, the team and I are going to treat you for dinner tonight," He pauses, "I've made reservations for at a nice restaurant in Silver Lake."

"What a surprise," I say, excitedly. "I simply cannot thank you enough. I already feel so welcomed."

"That's what I'm here for, my dear. And like I said before, we are all so glad you're here." I smile at his unintentional rhyme, and we continue to make our way up the 405 freeway towards LA.

. . .

After swimming through the sea of traffic, we pull up to a house. My house. I study it, I've seen pictures of it online before, but up close it's stunning. And mine. The creamy white siding that alines the edges, the large french-style windows lined symmetrically across, and the elegant landscaping which accents the overall style, giving it a contemporary vibe. I already love it.

I retrieve my luggage from the car, and walk up to the front. Phillip places a set of keys in my hand and I unlock the door.

I'm greeted with the scent of fresh paint, and a bright open space. Boxes and unassembled furniture sit on the floor, waiting to be put together. I get a sudden rush of excitement. Everything seems real now, and I feel like an American queen in an American dream.

. . . The next morning . . .

I open my eyes as I awaken, my senses are confused. I blink a few times, and rise from my pillows. Oh, shit. I'm really not in London anymore. I gaze around my new room, and notice the sunlight hitting my sheets. It's cozy, warm, and peaceful. I glance over at the stacked pile of boxes filled with the rest of my items I need to unpack. I lie back down on my pillows, I have so much shit to do today... But first, coffee.

I leave my house and start walking down the street. I couldn't bother doing my makeup, or put on something nice; I settled with a simple white-cropped tank top and white track pants to match. It will be nice to get a little stroll in and embrace LA's lovely weather before organizing the rest of my belongings and putting the house together.

My neighborhood of Studio City is something admirable. Not too loud, not too quiet, the street that I live on is quite lush with greenery. The birds are chirping their sweet songs, making me already fall in love with this place. I find my way to a petite café on a corner. I approach the building, already anticipating the taste of the latté I'm craving. As I go to open the door, two young women come out hurriedly and accidentally knock into me, leaving me on my ass.

Before I have a moment to even think about what had just happened, one of the girls starts to speak,

"Oh my god, I'm so sorr- wait, Marina? Is that you?" The first woman who I haven't had the chance to identify offers her hand down to me. I look up and quickly realize who it is.

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 hello all. thanks for reading this! I'm not the best writer, but hope at least one person enjoys this. I love reading larina stuff (my inner lesbian cries) and i thought that i would contribute to the larina story world <3 

have a good day n if you want, i would love your feedback 

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