Chapter Seventeen

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I take a deep breath before entering the car - I'm absolutely not wanting to leave Lana's house right now, but Phillip didn't leave me a choice. I open the door and sit in the passenger seat. Phillip and I make eye contact and exchange smiles, but his quickly turns to a look of concern. I must look that  bad.

"You've looked better," He says as he shifts the gear into drive, departing from Lana's driveway.

"I've felt better," I reply. I'm truly hanging on for dear life with this hangover - my head still aches, I feel lethargic, and I want to go back to bed.

"What happened to you?" He asks. This question takes me aback, the memories from yesterday are still recovering in my pounding head.

"A lot happened," I settle.

"Care to elaborate?" He pushes. I don't know where to begin, though.

"Well. Spent the day yesterday with Lanz going about the city, ended up at a beach where we got stalked by a creepy paparazzi. Had to ring the police. Got smashed and then," I pause, I don't exactly remember everything that happened after that, except being drunk.

"And then?"

"Passed out in Lana's bed."

"Hmm," He hums, "You certainly look like you had a good time." He glances over at me, eyes traveling down to my neck, "How did you get bruised up?" Fuck. He noticed. I didn't attempt to cover them, as I was so rushed. That, and I simply forgot.

"I, um." There was no hiding anything at this point, I know he knows.

"We're dating now."

Phillip nods, "I could have guessed that."

"Really?" I question, curious about his reasoning.

"Mhm, I noticed you had something for her the first time we listened to her song in the car that one evening. You had just moved to LA. Remember that?"

"I reckon I do remember, we were driving home from my meeting and Venice Bitch started playing."

"That's right. And I can tell she's enamored by you as well," He claims. My smile grows at his comment.

"You're alright with it?" 

"Sure, why wouldn't I be? It could be great for you, business-wise," He expresses. I hadn't considered this. It never occurred to me that being with someone in the same industry could be beneficial in a business context. 

"You should go public with your relationship, it could help you gain more fame," He suggests.

"Well, I don't know I feel about that. I don't know how Lana feels about it either. I think I'd rather keep it private for now."

"Consider it, and mention it to her. Think about the money, and how much your music can grow from being with her."

"Seems a bit destructive, I really like her and I don't want to ruin anything."

"But if you ever break up, at least you'll be more well-known in the end, right?"

Talking about this has me upset. As much as I want to grow as a successful artist, the thought of not being with Lana is unbearable. She makes me feel genuinely happy, and safe. Something I haven't felt from another person in a very long time.

"Also, Marina, you shouldn't be drinking," Phillip advises.

"I know," I lower my head in guilt.

"You don't want the same thing to happen when you record the rest of your album. Alcohol is not good for a singers voice," He lectures.

"Thanks doctor Phil," I exclaim. We both share a laugh.

"Speaking of which, I'm sure you're wondering where we're going this early in the morning," 

"Indeed," I reply, "I wasn't very fond of hearing my phone blow up at 7am from your calls, and then being demanded to get ready for you to take me to some unknown destination."

"We're going to a meeting!" He states.

"What?" I ask, alarmed. 

"Yes! It was very last minute, which is why I picked you up in such a rush. I've got you scheduled with a new label, a branch off of Universal. It's a major company. This could be your chance!" 

"You what!?" I yell.

"What's the matter?" 

"Have you seen me? I'm hungover as fuck, Phillip. I can hardly form coherent sentences, let alone be expected to participate in a meeting right now."

"You don't look that bad," He murmurs through his teeth. What a shit liar. 

"I can't fucking believe this," I sigh.

. . .

Lana's Point of View

"A lot happened while you were in San Diego." I announce to Chuck as we drive together to my marketing assembly. She had just returned this morning from her trip, and I'm ready to tell her about my relationship with Marina.

"Let's hear it," She says, taking a hit from her vape.

"So, I like Marina," I state, unable to contain my smile, "A lot."

"Yeah, I knew that from the start. You're not very good at hiding it."

"That's not all," I add. Chuck looks over at me, interested.

"We're together," I declare.

"Also obvious. But I'm happy for you." She smiles.

"What will mom and dad will think?" I ask. I've never hid anything from my parents; we're always open with each other about relationships and other personal events. But I never once thought that I'd have to tell them about a girlfriend, until now. The thought slightly nerves me.

"You know dad; as soon as you tell him, he's going to want to fly out to meet her. And mom will probably ask you a bunch of questions about her. I wouldn't worry."

"You're right, I just know it will catch them by surprise. I didn't realize coming out to them would be hard."

"It won't be. If it makes you feel any better, we can come out together," She exclaims. I take my eyes off the road to look over at her, my eyes widened with her sudden remark. Did she just come out to me?

"Chuck? Are you?" I trail, she smiles and nods her head.

"I'm bi," She announces.

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sorry for the boring, short, filler chapter. i wrote about marina being hungover while literally being hungover myself. i am thriving  :'-)

also i've had multiple sources tell me that chuck is actually bi :0 i'm not 100% sure, but i was told that she confirmed it last year! we luv chuck grant and we luv sisters coming out together. <3

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