Chapter Six

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I drape myself onto my mattress. I couldn't get her damn voice out of my head. It seems as soon as my mind becomes occupied with work and I forget about her, she somehow winds herself back into my brain. It's almost like a sign. Like I'm meant  to be thinking of her. She still hasn't reached out. This realization pangs me. I wish she would. I wonder if she thinks about me, too?

Suddenly the memories of my chaotic day have been replaced with her. Only her. I don't mind that. I'd rather fall asleep thinking about Lana instead of the stress from earlier.

And with that, I contently doze off.

. . .

One Week Later

Another day, another recording session. We've been at it 24/7, almost literally; two nights ago I ended up falling asleep inside the sound booth. Tonight in the studio it's me, James, my producer and co-writer, and Joel, our very talented keyboardist.

"One more take on that last verse, Marina." James requests.

So far we've got four out of the eight tracks completed. Currently working on a song we wrote together titled 'End of the Earth.'

I sing the lyrics he requested into the microphone again,

"If we're torn apart then I won't let go, 'cause wherever we are, it feels like home..."

I finish and look at him for approval. He nods and gives me a thumbs up.

"Sounding good on my end. I think that's a wrap for today, but stay put for a few more minutes."

A few minutes turns into hours. We're still here. I inspect the clock; 11pm. That means it's 7am in England. Every now and again I'll subconsciously compare timezones between here and back home. For some reason it gives me comfort, visualizing the sun coming up across the sea right now.

I can hear Joel fiddling around on the keyboard, he must be just as bored as I am.

"Ok, Marina." James points at me, "Let's start back at the last 'but I'll give my love,' and hopefully we'll be finished."

"But I'll give my love, I don't care if it hurts..." My voice cracks on the high note. I wince at the sound of it, but try to continue anyways.

"Stop." James yells. "Again" He cues.

Once again, my voice breaks on the 'hurts.'

"Stop." James sighs. "Again."

We repeat this cycle three more times, my voice barely giving way by the third. James gives me a defeated look.

"We must stop." He demands, "It's not going to work tonight, give your vocals a rest and we'll pick back up tomorrow. You know what to do to." I nod, not saying a word; when vocals become hoarse it's best to give them a break and not use them at all.

"Good work today. See you in the morning." Joel calls.

. . .

6am. My alarm blares, startling me awake. I only slept four and a half hours. And fuck. My throat hurts. I rise out of bed and utter a little 'ahem' to clear it. It's definitely soar and scratchy. I'll just drink plenty of water and continue to rest my voice. I can only hope it's nothing serious. We have 5 days until 'Love' is expected to be finished. I undress from my sleepwear and take a steamy shower before returning to the studio.

. . .

James, Joel and I arrive at the same time. Joel unlocks the door and we walk inside, everything in place as we left it last night.

F**k it, I love you. | Lana + MarinaWhere stories live. Discover now