Chapter Seven

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Heyyy you, it's Lana. Was wondering if I could take you out to lunch this weekend. We need to catch up. By the way, how are you doing?

I read the text over and over. It's so simple yet it sends my heart through the sky. I don't know why, exactly, but it does. I fiddle my fingers over my phone's keyboard, thinking of a response. Do I tell her what's happening with me or play it cool and act like everything is ok? I begin typing...

Hi Lana xx I would love to catch up over lunch, however this week won't work. I've got a lot going on.

I frown as I type this, knowing in any other situation I'd drop whatever I was doing to see her.

I'm stressed, but I'll be ok. I added to the text. I decided I wanted to be honest.


I stare at my phone, anticipating a response. After a minute, a bubble animation appears, indicating she's typing back.

Can I come over?

My heart pounds at her question. She wants to come over now? I look at the time, which reads 10pm. I have to wake up early again tomorrow for work. I'm a mess too. And I can't help but think how bold it is to invite herself over, not even knowing whether I was home or not. But I kind of like it. I give in to her.

You may. 100 Sunshine Terrace, Studio City, California.



Lana's Point of View

I put in her address into maps, she only lives eight minutes away, one neighborhood over from me.

"Sis. I'm leaving." I announce to Chuck, who's placed on my couch.

"Where ya going this late?"

"I'm going over to Marina's house." She looks at me puzzled.

"That's random," she states, "But it's about time you see her again. Did she just invite you over, or...?" She trails off.

"No. I asked her if I could come." I say as I slide on my shoes.

"Geez, Liz." She shifts in her seat. "But why? Is something up?"

"I have a feeling. I want to go and check on her, see how she's doing. I'm going to stop and pick her up a house warming gift on the way there."

Chuck smiles, "Cute. Well, have fun, and tell her I say hi! Do you know what time you'll be back?"

"Not sure," I reply, "I'll let you know." I grab my keys and walk out the front door.

I soon arrive at a local strip mall off of Laurel Canyon Boulevard, conveniently placed in between mine and Marina homes. I should be able to find something here.

20 minutes of shopping and a paparazzi interrogation later, I have three new purchases for Marina; a bouquet of pink peony flowers, a dainty fine-china tea set, and a nice bottle of wine. I wonder, does this make me seem too try-hard? I hope she doesn't get the wrong idea, but I do want to impress her with my taste. I swear I'm too headass sometimes. I gently place the items in my car and start towards Marina's house.

When I roll up to the given address, I admire her new modernesque home. It's a shame she lives here alone, assuming she moved here solo. I'm glad I have Chuck to keep me company at my place. I park and retrieve the items I bought. I step up to her front door, take a deep breath to calm my racing heart, and ring the bell.


Marina's Point of View

The sound of my doorbell startles me. I inhale as I walk over to open the door and greet her.

"Hello, come in" I say as I'm met with her face. That beautiful face. My worries disappear again.

"Hi Marina." I melt a little when she says my name, I gesture her inside, noticing her hands are occupied with different objects.

"What have you brought with you?" I ask, offering to take the load out of her arms.

"This is for you," she says, handing me the items, "Just little housewarming gifts."

"You shouldn't have done that, but I appreciate it nonetheless." I say, examining the objects, "Are these peonies? They smell lovely." I bring them to my nose and close my eyes as I take in their sweet scent.

"Yes." She smiles, watching me.

"You have an eye for flowers," I claim as I take out a crystal vase from my cabinet. I stick the flowers inside, and give them water before placing them in the center of my kitchen island. "And what's this? A fancy little tea set and a bottle of french Rosé? Lana, this is so nice. But you really shouldn't have."

She shrugs, "You deserve it."

"Well," I take the bottle, holding it up. "Do you want to break this open?"

. . .

After settling with our wine, we sit on opposite ends of my couch, facing each other.

"So..." She begins, glass in hand "Thanks for letting me come over so out of the blue."

I nod take a sip of the Rosé, "Not a problem. I actually really needed some company." My voice croaks, making Lana look at me with question.

"I had a feeling. That's why imposed. I wanted to talk about it."

"I swear, Lana, you're like a witch or something." We both laugh in sync at my comment. But I do find it intriguing how she knew I wanted someone.

"Something like that," she jokes before turning serious again, "But do tell me what's been going on. I noticed almost immediately that your voice is raspier than normal."

I explain to her everything - The record, my career, the reason my voice sounds the way it does - She listens to everything, she makes me feel heard and understood.

"There's even a whisper in the back of my head telling me to give up and move back home." I lower my head at my confession.

Lana positions herself next to me, and wraps me in a comforting hug.

"I'm so glad you're here." She whispers, not letting go.


hi babies if you're enjoying this i would love your feedback!! always appreciate votes and/or comments. my schedule is kinda crazy but i'm trying to get a chapter out either every day or every other day. thanks again for reading, i hope you're liking the story so far. xxxx

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