Chapter Eighteen

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Phillip and I continue driving towards the studio headquarters. I look at my reflection in the sun visor mirror, trying to rid of the stained mascara under my eyes and the remains of my smudged eyeliner. I run my fingers through my hair, desperately trying to tame it down. No luck in getting it to look better, so I decide to throw it up in a messy bun instead. We arrive at the studio. Phillip leads me through the doors of the building,

"Ahem, Marina, I've been expecting you," A man greets. He approaches Phillip and I and sticks his hand out, "My name is Michael. I'm the ambassador here at Universal Music." I shake his hand. He studies me, and I watch his eyes travel down to my neck, just as Phillip did earlier. He looks at me with disgust, rightfully so. I look like trash. This is a perfect first impression.

"Erm," He clears his throat.

"Marina here is an extremely talented artist. She will not disappoint you, Michael," Phillip assures.

"Right, okay. Let's talk about music then," He says as he starts guiding us down to a room.

We proceed to talk about my music for the next half hours, discussing my previous records, and the future one as well. Meanwhile I pretend to not be hungover and that I actually want to be here right now.

"Look, Marina. You have good ideas, and a bright mind. You're talented, attractive..." He trails, and breaks eye contact at the last bit. This asshole isn't even trying to hide his opinions. "But here at Universal Music, we need people who," He pauses, searching for words, "People who are serious."

"I am serious," I argue.

"You haven't released any music since 2015," He disputes. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, even the most hard working artists take hiatuses at some point. I think he flat out doesn't like me, and now he's reaching for reasons to dismiss me.

"But, sir," Phillip chimes in, "She needs this."

"Your past albums have done alright, as I can see. But not good enough to our standards. What makes me believe that this next one will do any better?"

I bite my lip, my head is much too heavy to answer this question. He raises an eyebrow to urge me to respond. My mind panics.

"I think that settles it then. Alright, Marina," He raises from his chair and walks over to me, holding his hand out again. "It was a pleasure to meet you, but I think you're better off looking somewhere else." Without another word, or shaking his hand, I walk out of the door.

. . .

Lana's Point of View

Chuck and I arrive home from the assembly. On the way back, we both decided that we would call Mom and Dad as soon as we arrived. That time has come, as we situate ourselves beside each other in the living room.

"We should call them, shouldn't we?" Chuck looks over at me, I nod in agreement.

"We should. I wouldn't want them finding out about Marina and I's relationship from anyone other than myself," I state, "Are you ready, sis?" 

"I'm ready if you are," She encourages. 

"I'm kind of nervous," I reveal as I scroll through the contacts on my phone, and hover my finger over Dad's name.

"We should do it, they're our parents. They deserves to know," She gives me a re-assuring smile and I tap the button to call. It rings a few times before Dad picks up;

"Well, hello there. How's my girl?" 

"Hi, dad," I say, "Chuck is here too, you're on speaker."

"Hi my lovely ladies," He sings.

"How are you, dad? Is mom there?" Chuck asks.

"She's here, why?"

"We-," I stutter, I'm not ready to disclose it just yet, "How was your day?" I switch the subject. 

"It was good, was out on the boat today. We had beautiful weather, water was nice and calm." I smile at the image of my father spending the day at sea.

"See any sharks?" Chuck inquires, also grinning at me. We're both stalling by making small talk.

"No sharks today, only seagulls and dolphins for miles."

"That's good, sounds nice," Chuck remarks. 

"Did you girls have a good day?" He questions from the other end, I can tell he knows something is up with us.

"We did," I answer, "How's mom?"

"She good, would you like me to put her on the phone?" 

"Actually, can we talk to both of you? We have something we want to tell you," I announce. 

"Sure, let me go grab her," Dad says. My nerves start to increase. I look over at Chuck and give her a face, she makes a face back and reaches to hold my hand. 

"This is happening," I mouth to her. 

"Hi, babies. I miss you!" My mothers voice comes through.

"We miss you too, Mom,"  Chuck and I say simultaneously.

"What was it that you needed to tell us?" Dad asks.

"Did something bad happen?" Mom questions.

"No, nothing bad. We just wanted to tell you that, um," I gulp, not knowing how to express my words. I don't know why it's so hard for me to say it - my parents and I are so close. I glance to Chuck, and nod my head for her to finish. 

"We just wanted to tell you that, basically," She pauses dramatically, "We're not straight." Chuck states, quickly. It was out now. My heart beats rapidly. We're met with a few moments of silence. Chuck squeezes my hand.

"Girls," Mom speaks. 

"Yeah?" Chuck and I ask.

"We don't care who you love, we want you to live your lives and be happy," Dad comments. My pacing heart slows itself. 

"That's absolutely right," Mom affirms, "We love you no matter what. I wish I could give you two the biggest hug right now."

"Mom, Dad?" My heart race starts picking up again.

"Yes, Liz?"

"You know Marina, right?" 

"Marina, you mean Marina and the diamonds?" My dad inquires. 

"Yes, that's her."

"Yes, we know her, why?" My mom asks. Chuck rubs my back to comfort me.

"We're dating, she's my girlfriend."

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