Chapter Twenty

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Marina's Point of View

A knock on my front door startles me awake. I groan and turn to snuggle into Lana, deciding to ignore it.

A few moments pass and there's another loud series of knocking, followed by the doorbell chiming. Lana shifts awake. I growl and rise out of bed before putting on a pair of undies and an oversized tee shirt, covering my lower half. The doorbell rings again. 

"God damn it," Lana grumbles from the sheets. I hurriedly walk through the hallway, then make my way to the front door and open it.

"What are you doing here?" I ask the familiar man in front of me. 

"Marina, finally!" He shouts, pushing past me and entering my house. 

"Yes, come in, Phillip," I chime sarcastically, shutting the door behind him. He sits at the kitchen island and pulls out his laptop. 

"You'll never guess who I set you up with today," He cheers, typing away at his keyboard. His overly-excited attitude catches me off guard, as I'm still waking up.

"Can you lower your voice, please? Lana is still in bed," I grunt. 

"No, I'm not," A voice calls. Phillip and I face the direction of the sound and Lana appears from the hallway. She's wearing one of my sweatshirts, which I can't help but notice looks incredibly good on her. I swear this woman could wear a rubbish bag and she'd still look angelic somehow.  She's utterly adorable, and I can't take my eyes off of her as she walks over to us. Lana then lifts my shirt and smacks my ass before sitting on the stool next to Phillip.

"Ah, Lana. Good morning, wasn't expecting to see you here." Phillip says.

"I can say the same thing," Lana growls. I find it funny how she's sleepy-angry. Although I can't blame her.

"What are you even doing here this early?" I ask before glancing at the clock. It's 10am, later than I thought.

"Alright, so I've set you up with Sony Records," He continues to type on his laptop, "I'm sure you're familiar with them." 

"Oh, you can't be serious, Phillip," Lana scoffs. 

"What do you mean, babe?" I question. 

"They're one of the worst labels known," She turns to Phillip, "Are you trying to set her up for failure?"

"Of course not, Lana," He sighs.

"She can do much better than that. They treat artists like shit."

"Are you sure? I think Phil knows what he's doing. He's never been wrong before," I chirp.

"No, please." She disputes, "I have first hand experience with Sony."

Phillip shifts towards me and motions me forward. I take a step closer.

"Did you mention to her what we talked about yesterday?" He asks softly. For a second I ponder what exactly he's talking about, and when I realize what it is I shake my head. 

"What are you talking about?" Lana asks. 

"He wants us to make our relationship public," I hesitate, "Which doesn't make me quite comfortable." Lana swings around and gives Phillip a death stare. 

"Phillip, stay out of our relationship," She hisses, "Your job is to be her manager, not her romance guidance counselor."

"Don't take it the wrong way. It would help Marina accelerate in popularity," He asserts, "Labels will be lining up to sign her if they see you together. You could also potentially release a song together, as a couple. It could be beneficial for both of your careers."

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