Chapter Fifteen

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Lana's Point of View

I awaken with a peaceful Marina sleeping next to me. An ideal morning already. I watch her chest rise and fall with her slow, steady breathing. I lean forward to place a discreet kiss on Marina's nose, hoping not to wake her up. She sleepily shifts herself before fluttering her eyes open. Damn it.

"Buenos días, hermosa," I hum.

"Good morning," She yawns. I admire her stripped-down face and body - there truly isn't another woman on Earth who beats Marina's natural beauty. 

I feel her hand brush up against my torso. Her eyes widen in a sudden realization,

"We're still naked," She grins childishly, and kisses my shoulder. 

"Eclectic observation," I reply sarcastically.  

"Shut up," she kisses me again before lying her head on my chest, "I don't want to leave this moment. I could stay here forever." 

"Me too." I play with her thick mane. Her hair looks intense, yet insanely adorable. Perhaps it's just a case of bad bedhead. Or maybe post-sex hair. Probably a combination of the two. Regardless, she's cute and can pull it off. I'm sure my hair looks worse, and unflattering. 

She outlines my collarbone in circular motions with her index finger,

"You know," She starts, "I've never been with a woman before." 

"I haven't either," I state. She looks up and our gazes meet, 

"You're pretty good," She reveals. I watch as her cheeks flush rosy-pink.

"I can't say the same about you," I answer, unable to hold in my laughter. 

"Lana, shut up!" 

I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tight,

"Guess what?" I ask. She raises an eyebrow. 

"I'm calling off everything I have today so I can take you out and show you more of LA."

"You don't have to do that," She replies quietly. 

"Yes I do, that way you'll never consider leaving. Plus, you deserve to relax and unwind." 


"Hush. Let's get ready so we can have an early start. I'll meet you in the bathroom, I've got a few emails to send."

Marina hops out of bed and I stare at her ass as she disappears behind the bathroom door. I reach for my phone and begin cancelling my work plans. 

"Fuck! Lana get in here. Now," Marina yells. I reluctantly get out of bed and walk over to her.

"Look what the fuck you've done to me," She points to her neck, which is covered in dark purple and brown bruises.

"Shit," I attempt to sound sympathetic but a devilish smirk develops on my face, "Did I do that?" 

"You fucker. How old do you think we are? This isn't secondary school." She gently touches one of the marks and winces at the pain.

"You allowed me to do it," I argue. 

"I didn't expect you to get so carried away," She fumes, "There's no way any makeup can cover this." 

"Baby," I coo.

"Don't 'baby' me," she acts bitter, but I can tell she's trying to be overly dramatic.

"Let's get in the shower, shall we?" I ask, turning the conversation.

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