Chapter Two

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After gripping ahold of my thoughts again, I look up at the woman, her chocolate-brown hair and green eyes send me into a bit of a daze.

"Lana?" I'm in such a confused state that I continue to stay on the ground. I didn't expect to get knocked over today, especially by her.

She gestures her hand while still holding it out for me, insisting for me to grab it.

"Let me help you up so I can hug you, at least." She says. I finally take her hand and she pulls me onto my feet. She then pulls me again, this time into a long hug. I immediately notice how inviting she is; and her embrace makes me feel overwhelmingly safe and comfortable. I struggle to find any words to say.

"I'm so sorry for knocking you over," she begins, still hugging me, "And I'm really glad to see you too, I didn't realize you were already in California, or else I would have texted you. It's been too long."

"Yeah..." I managed to sputter, "What a lovely way to meet again, huh? After five years." We release the hug, and I realize the second woman still standing behind her. She smiles warmly at me.

"Marina, you've met my sister Chuck, right?" Lana asks.

Chuck steps forward and takes a turn to hug me, hers is quicker than Lana's.

"We've met once, Marina. It was a long time ago, at a gig in Hollywood." She claims.

"I reckon I do remember. It's nice to see you, Chuck." I smile at her. It's fascinating how much she resembles her older sister.

"Listen, Marina," Lana begins again, "It was really nice to run into you so unexpected, and I'd love to catch up, but we're actually in a bit of a rush."

"It's no problem, dear." I exclaim, internally laughing at her not-so figurative expression of 'run into you.'

"I'll hit you up soon, when life gives me a break. I'm happy you're finally living in LA."

I give her a thoughtful smile, she must have seen my instagram post about leaving London, or a mutual friend must have told her about me moving. Regardless, now that I live here we both know there's no rush to see each other again, we'll find time.

"Oh, and again, I'm super sorry about knocking you over. I'll make up for it next time I see you," She winks. "Promise!"

"Nice to see you again, Marina" Chuck adds, following Lana as they part from the café.

"It's quite alright Lana, enjoy your day, gals," I wave them off.

. . .

It's already 5pm, I've been unpacking boxes all afternoon. And I can't get Lana off my mind. Why can't I get her off my mind? It's so stupid, but I want to see her again. Soon. I guess I didn't realize how much I missed her. But I've got to knock it off, she's busy, I'm busy. We'll find time eventually. I just need to wait and get my life here on a good start.

As I continue to unbox, I find my electric keyboard. I immediately place it on its stand in the corner of my living room, along with my chair. I hook it up, turn it on, and sit down. I analyze the keys - it's been quite a while since I've played. I place a finger on middle C and the single note fills the once empty air. This excites me; music excites me. I play a Dm chord and start to sing an old song,

"I wanna be a bottled blonde," I hesitate, trying to find the next chord. I study the keys more, and play an A.

"I don't know why but I feel conned.." It all comes back to me, and I begin to play myself a little concert in my living room.

. . .

After having some much-needed keyboard fun, I find myself still thinking about her. I roll my eyes to myself,

"Knock it off, Marina!" I close my eyes in frustration. Perhaps I'm just lonely, and seeing her today made me feel a little less lonely. Mmhm, that must be it. Nothing more.

Before I know it, it's 8pm. It took a lot out of me to make it up this late, because of the drastic time change between here and England. I stumble to my bed and into my covers. Hopefully Lana won't constantly be on my mind tomorrow. Besides, I have a packed day anyways and won't have time to think about her.

I feel a vibration from my phone next to me. I pick it up and see that it's a text from Phillip.

Evening, Marina. Just making sure you know when and where to be tomorrow; you need to be there by 9am and it's on 555 Sunset Blvd. Just bring yourself and your brilliant mind. Talk soon.

I reply a quick response, acknowledging the information. Tomorrow is my first day back in the studio. I put my phone down and rest my head into my pillow. I can't help but notice how empty it feels in here. Or maybe that's just my loneliness thinking again. Either way, I'm fucking tired and need to sleep.


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