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"Ding Ding Ding!" Bayley's alarm went off for the second time and she grabbed her phone and hit the snooze button which read 6:30 AM. So both girls still had time to get ready and eat breakfast. As Bayley was about to get out of bed she remembered that Sasha had slept with her last night because her arms were still wrapped around her body. After a couple of minutes she turned to see that Sasha was also waking up "Hey did you sleep well dude?" "Yeah I did actually" "Alright well hurry up so we can grab something for the road"- Bayley Said. " Oh I forgot you have a match tonight huh?" "Yeah so we need to rush you know"
Bayley had gotten ready and was about to get her gear bag when she heard Sasha gasp and jump back. "Hey you alright?" "Huh how did you get in here I thought you threw him out and locked the door last night dude?" "Yeah I did Maybe someone put it in here while we were sleeping last night?" "Yeah maybe I'll just give it to bray once I see him down at the lobby" Bayley said as she was picking up the toy and put it in her gear bag and zipped it up. Bayley picked up her stuff and Sasha was already by the door "you ready" "Only if you are"
After they had gotten their breakfast and went down to the lobby, Bayley saw bray reading a book. " Since when does he read books? " she thought as she was walking towards him with the toy in her hand. "Hey Bray" "Oh h-hey bayley." Bray Said nervously as he put the book away but Bayley caught a glimpse of the book which read "How to kidnap..." because that's all she was able to see. "Um did you put this in my bag by accident?" Bayley asked as she handed the doll to bray. "Oh this...yeah I think I did leave it in there but it was actually for Sasha as a present for saying I'm sorry." "That's sweet bray but she doesn't like dolls remember?" Bayley said. "Oh yeah I forgot my bad, but why don't you keep it for now as a good luck charm for your match tonight?" "Um sure I guess" bayley said. As Bayley was about to leave so her and Sasha could start heading to the airport Bray said "Oh bayley can you do me 2 favors Can you make sure Sasha doesn't leave the locker room and can you put chucky in Sasha's bag before your match, so chucky won't get stolen please?" "Um sure?" "Thank you" Bray said almost sounding relieved.
Bayley and Sasha arrived at the Barclay's center and bayley was getting ready in her gear when Sasha asked "Hey Bayley why did you put this in my bag?"as she was holding the doll in her hand. " Bray told me to give you it as like a gift for what he did to you at hell in the cell" " Really but he knows that I don't like dolls" "Yeah I know but he told me to put it in your bag so Chucky doesn't get stolen" "Um OK" she said as she put the doll back in her bag. Bayley stayed with Sasha for a bit until there was a knock on the door "Bayley we need you right now your match is next." "Alright I'll be there thanks" as she was about to leave Sasha was right behind her when Bayley stopped her " Hey bray wants you to stay back here for some reason." "Um I can't go with you?" Sasha said in a scared tone. "Hey you'll be fine dude you can lock the door, so he can't come in and you can watch my match on the TV there and after my match I'll come back as soon as I win and knock 5 times to let you know that it's me ok." Bayley told Sasha in order to reassure her that she'll be fine on her own. "O-okay so 5 knocks so I know that it's you right?" She asked. Bayley could tell that she didn't want to stay but bray told her to tell Sasha that so Bayley just hugged sasha before she left.
Sasha POV: I didn't want to be left alone in the room with the doll but Bayley said it was a sorry and good luck gift from Bray but I got a feeling something ain't right so i went to watch bayleys match on the TV while feeling really uneasy in the room. Bayley was wrestling Alexa bliss and it was becoming a good match but after about 10 minutes in I heard 5 knocks on the door but Bayley was still wrestling. I just ignored it because the girls do that to mess around. After about 5 minutes after the knocks I heard movement in my bag, so when I turned around it stopped but my bag was opened where bayley put that doll when all of a sudden I'm hit the back of my head and blackout.
Raw: Bayley was having a really good match with Alexa bliss but she doesn't give up that easily. Bayley delivered the Elbow Drop to her and was about to win when all of a sudden the firefly fun house music came on. Bayley just got up and started looking around just in case the fiend showed up when bray appeared on the titintron. "Hey Bayley I first want to say sorry for ruining your match but there's something I want to tell you. You see there's a reason why I said for you and Sasha to stay together from now on remember that doll that I gave you. Well here's my friend chucky." He was standing on the table with a knife in his hand.
Chucky : "Hey Bayley it's me chucky you should've listened to bray when he said for you and Sasha to stay together because now I have a Buddy and who knows she might be the one person who can help me get out of this body once and for all." Chucky and Bray out of the way to reveal Sasha who was tied up with her arms above her head and was crying with tape over her mouth. Bray and Chucky moved towards Sasha who just closed her eyes with tears falling down her face and bray undid the tape and Sasha said in a scared voice " Bayley please help we're we're in our lockeroom but please hurry and be careful for-." Bray put the tape back on her mouth and both him and Chucky got in front of Sasha hiding her out of sight from bayley. "Well you know where to find us Bayley and we'll be waiting for you, see you really soon." Bayley immediately ran to the back being careful of her surroundings for bray and Chucky while she ran towards their lockeroom.
Bayley (POV): I arrived to our lockeroom but the door was locked. "Hey chucky open the door!" "Bray open-" the door opened and I saw Sasha still tied up and crying. I immediately went and tugged at the chains until she was free and I took the tape and cuffs off of her. "Hey you alright?" She just kept shaking and crying so I just hugged her and tried to calm her down not even caring that I was sweaty at least I knew that she was safe with me for now. After she calmed down I asked her "Hey do you have any idea where Bray and Chucky went?" I asked as soon as I released the hug and wiped the tears from her face. "They-they just disappeared I-" All of a sudden the door slammed shut behind me and Sasha just screamed and put her head in my chest and I said "shh it's ok I'm here they're not going to get to you I'll protect you from them I prom-" "Awe ain't this a touching moment." I turned around and saw Bray standing next to chucky with a weapon that looked like a tranquilizer. "Why are you doing this Bray?" I asked while helping Sasha up and standing in front of her to protect her "Well Sasha I guess your friend came right on time" Bray said. "Chucky will you do the honors please" "Sure thing bray" Chucky Said as he pointed the gun towards us "Now I guess your first bayley" he said as pointed the gun in front of me. I stood my ground when all of a sudden I got pushed and heard Sasha scream. I got up and ran to to her and realized that she had been shot in her left arm with a tranquilizer dart. I started shaking her careful not to make the dart go in deeper "Sasha, Sasha please wakeup sash- Ah!" I turned around and saw chucky and Bray coming towards me as I was slowly blacking out. The last thing I saw was Sasha reaching for my hand and I put my hand in hers as I completely blacked out.
"Bray: you 2 are going to be chuckys buddies forever let's get to work chuck."
They put Sasha and bayley in the back of a van and started driving to a different building about 10 minutes away. They put the girls on a bed together and bray put a shirt on Bayley and put cuffs on both their ankles that were attached to the foot of the bed and closed the door careful not to wake them up. "Tomorrow Bayley and Sasha are going to experience what truly the firefly funhouse really is about." Bray told chucky as he slept peacefully

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