Final Attempt at escape

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Bayley (POV): I wasn't going to let my best friend get transformed into a doll after how we saw that old lady get burned alive and then made into a doll, so I had to find a way to get both of us out of here once and for all. I looked at the time and it was 2 Am and Sasha was sleeping with her arms around me while her head was on my chest but I had my arms around her because of an incident that happened yesterday and I can't sleep at all. "I can't take it anymore." i said out loud which caused Sasha to wake up, but i just got out of the bed and ran to the vent where we were some what successful at getting out. "Bayley?" i heard sasha call my name but i ignored her as i was getting the gate down from the vent "Come on Sasha we both are getting out of here." I said as she was looking at me with concern "Okay but do you think this is going to work?" "Sasha i know where we can get out trust me". I managed to get in the vent without sashas' help this time "Sasha this time i'll lead i know where to go to get out here i'll help you up." I said while putting my hand out so she could grab it. "Come on" i said as she was following right behind me.

Sasha POV: "I found it" Bayley said as she and i stopped at a grate. "How can you be sure?" I asked. "Because i can see the sky" Bayley said as she had already removed the grate, "Bayley be careful going down please" I said mostly because it could set off an alarm and then we'd get caught and tourtured again. I watched her as she went down making sure she was safe and keeping a lookout for anyone else "Woah-Woah!" I looked down to see bayley hanging on to a ledge and the gate broke off "Sasha i need you're help and please hurry i don't know how long i can last here" Bayley said to me in a scared voice. "Hang on i'm coming." I said, but as i was looking for a way to get to her i realized that the gate was my only way to reach her. So i started making my way down to her when a piece of rock slipped under me and made me slip but i managed to grab a piece of of the gate that was hanging just below me, but when i looked down i realized that i just had to fling myself to get to where Bayley was at. "Okay...Okay i got this...Bayley i'm almost there" I was slowly starting to swing myself back and forth to try to get enough momentum "Sasha i'm starting to slip off i...i can't hold on much longer" I realized that she was slipping, so i didn't even think about it and i just let go of the gate that was dangiling but when i did that the gate broke so i was falling but i managed to grip a piece of rock and started climbing to where bayley was. "Bayley!" i shouted her name as i got to her she had slipped but managed to grab another ledge that was below that one that she slipped off of. "Bayley here i got you" I said to her while i was reaching for her hand and she grabbed it and was about to pull her up when i got pushed over the edge, but i managed to grab onto tree branch now it was just me hanging on for both of our lives as the drop could kill both of us and i'm also hanging onto bayley as well.

Bray POV: "Hey girls how's it hanging down there?" I said with a smile on my face "Bray were sorry just save us please" I heard Sasha say to me "Hey Chuck kill them here take this" I told him while handing him a chainsaw, but he wouldn't budge.

Chucky POV: "GET HIM!" i said to the robots and they pinned down bray and i grabbed the chainsaw. "Wait chucky what are you doing?" Bray asked me. "Take him into the room and prep him" "Wait stop STOOOOOOP!" I heard bray scream as he was being taken away into the house. Finally i get to kill him and take over this place as well i thought to myself as i was walking toward the branch the girls were on. "Wait please don't do this" Sasha said to me but i just started sawing away "Oh hey Bayley you will be my doll once i find you." I said as i chopped down the last branch and all i heard was them screaming as they were falling.

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