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Bayley ran after sasha as fast as she could but she ended up losing her "Sasha where are you?" Bayley whispered while tiptoeing through the hall. As Bayley was looking for Sasha she stumbled upon a room that caught her eye, so she decided to have peek and she shut the door and turned on a light switch she froze as she saw rows and rows of manaquiens that appeared to have blood on them. Bayley looked on and continued to peak at them when she saw a tag with her name on it "What the hell ?" Bayley whispered to herself as she was pulling down the tarp she gasped and almost screamed as she saw a doll like head that had her face on it with a note that read "BAYLEY " but when she touched it she discovered that it was made of wax. She put the tarp back on the manaquien head and continued walking throughout the room when she found a desk with papers so she started looking through them and she noticed most of them were pictures of her and sasha at different arenas some even at restraunts; As she was going through them she noticed that there were markings and circles on them where their head, arms, legs and body with labels that read "Arm length 75CM Legs 80CM."

Bayley (POV): I looked at the pictures and the labels that were on them and i was stunned and scared. I had to find sasha as fast as i could because i knew the truth about this place and why they kidnapped us. I put the picture with the label folded in my pocket and decided to checkout the rest of the room which was a really big room as it had a convoyer belt with a control panel at the bottom. "Hhhhhm?" I went to go have a look at one of the other heads on the belt and i picked it up as i was examining it i immeditatley dropped it away from me and almost screamed at what i saw. "I have to find Sasha and fast before they get her i have to find her i have to." I said to myself as i made my way to the door. I Hid behind the door because i heard it open and Bray and chucky walked in "Hey whose been in here?" Bray asked loudley. I Ran as fast i could out the door through the hall when i heard footsteps behind me "Gotcha now huh Bayley?" Bray said as he was behind me and i felt arms grab me "LET ME GO!" I said as i kicked him where it hurt the most and started running "Get Her she knows already!" I heard bray shout as the robots were running after me. I turned a corner and was about to run past a door when all of a sudden Arms grabbed me and a hand went over my mouth and i saw the door shut "HMMM!" I tried to get out the arms when I heard "Shhhh Bayley relax its me dude" she whispered into my ear and I relaxed. "Sasha i...where did you...i-" Sasha just hugged me "Shh Just relax kid" I just brought my arms around her and enjoyed it. "Bayley get down!" I did as I was told because Bray and the Robots walked by the door but I just continued to hug Sasha cause I was really scared. "Bayley I am so sorry for running off like that I just saw the door open and I just had to escape from here" Sasha said as we pulled away from the hug "Sash it's okay I-" "Bayley its my fault were in this situation now and I didn't mean to scare you" "I know you didn't Sasha but I was more scared of what they were going to do to you and I had to find you before it was too late" Sasha looked at me confused. "what are you talking about?" That's when I pulled out the paper with the picture of me and her markings on it.

Sasha (POV): "Bayley where did you find this?" I asked her while looking at the paper "In one of the rooms i was searching for you and i came across this particular room, so i went to see if you were there and then that's when i found this paper and there were a lot of wax figure heads and one of them had..." I noticed bayley was nervous about something when she stops midway through her sentences "Had what bayley?" I asked curiously, " on it" she said in a shaky voice and then i noticed that she was about to cry because she was holding tears back. "She's Scared." i thought because she only speaks like that when something really does get to her which is very rare. So i just wrapped my arms around her and held her while she just started crying "Bayley your scared of him coming after you because he wants to make you into a doll huh?" I asked while stroking her hair trying to clam her down "Yes I am." "Hey nothing is going to happen to you I promise" "Sash We have to get out of here I don't want to be made into a doll!" Bayley whimpered into my chest. "Shhh...Hey relax okay" I told her while rubbing her back. "do you want to go back into that room see what we can find?" I asked her after she had calmed down. "Sure Sash lets see if we can find out more about this place but lets not get caught" "We won't ok" I told her while helping her up.
When we got to the room where bayley found the papers it looked like an ordinary room but with rows of wax figure doll heads that looked real. "Hey bayley what are you looking at?" I asked her. I noticed that she was looking at something as there was another door so I went to look where bayley was looking. The next thing I know she comes running over to me and starts Shaking "Woah Hey What's wrong?" I asked her when she ran into my arms and wanted to keep running so I held her tight "Sasha the...there's..." She just continued Crying so I just calmed her down until she was ready to show me what scared her. "Sash there's Something in that room that scared me and when I saw you I had to run to you" "Bayley you're okay that's all that matters to me is that your safe." So we walked to where bayley was and it was a room that seemed like a freezer so I opened it and I saw Severed human Body Parts all over the room "Sasha this is a doll factory/human Slaughter House"

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