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So bayley helped her get up and Sasha put an arm around her but sasha let out a groan in pain as she stood up and bayley just held her while rubbing her shoulder. "Do you want to sit down and rest or-" "No i really want to get out of here bayley please i do not want bray near me at all I'm scared of what he or chucky is going to do to us and i don't want to find out once they wake up." Bayley just nodded agreeing with sasha as she didn't want to find out what plans they had for them either so they both started walking towards the door that had been unlocked. As Sasha carefully opened it and as they both made their way down the hall Bayley noticed that something was really odd about this building but she couldn't make sense of what the building was as it had paintings of a bear, a fox, a giant bunny, a boy with balloons in one hand, and a weird looking duck-chicken painting.
They had both reached a door and just as bayley pushed a button that she hoped would be one to open the door an alarm went off "Shit! Sasha what do we-" "BAYLEY!" That was when she saw Sasha being dragged away by a robot so bayley managed to grab Sasha's hand and started to pull her out of the robots grasp "Hey let her go you stupid- oh shit!" The robot let Sasha go causing Sasha to fall on top of bayley "Hey Sasha you alright?" Bayley asked as she was checking on her friend " Yeah I'm fine I just-" "Well Well Well" Sasha looked at bayley with fear in her eyes as she recognized Bray's voice. "You two are really going to be receiving some punishment for what you both did in the morning" Bray said in a stern tone. "Bray I can explain we were both really scared and we wanted to scope out the place-" Sasha Started but was cut off by bray "IT LOOKED LIKE TO ME YOU BOTH WERE TRYING TO ESCAPE!" That caused Sasha to start crying. "You know what both of you better go back to that room and get some sleep NOW!" That caused bayley to get up and help Sasha to her feet and both started there way back to the room that they were being held at. Bayley gently helped Sasha lay down in the bed as she was still in pain "Bayley where are you going?" Sasha asked her as she noticed that bayley was walking towards the door "I'm just going to close the door dude" bayley said in a calming voice. Bayley made her way back to her side of the bed and pulled the covers over Her and Sasha. "Hey you ok?" Bayley asked Sasha which she just started crying So Bayley just put her arms around her and Sasha put her arms around her waist hugging her really tight as she wept and started shaking "Sasha relax-" "You don't understand bayley I'm really... I'm really frightened of what bray is going to do to us...we probably blew our one chance of escaping and what scares me the most is that I don't want to be separated from you not knowing what "Fun" bray has in store for both of us!" Sasha Said in a stern tone as Bayley just looked at her with concern "I'm sorry Bayley I've just been very on edge and-" Bayley just held her with her arms around her and was stroking her hair as Sasha was crying. "Hey listen dude I don't care what happened right now or that you're on edge I just care that I'm with you because I don't know what would've happened to you if I didn't get to the lockeroom yesterday I'm going too protect you as best I can because I need you just as much as you need me" At that point Sasha began to sob on bayleys chest. After a few minutes Bayley just felt Sashas tears stain her shirt as Sasha just continued to cry til she was finally asleep on her chest. Bayley took a look at her best friend who had a tear stained face and was peacefully sleeping on her because Bayley needed Sasha as much as she needed her. So bayley just kissed her best friend on the forehead and told her really quietly " I'll always be here to protect you no matter what I love you Mom." And bayley put her head on Sasha's and fell asleep.
BRAY: "Sasha and Bayley are gonna pay for trying to escape oh they are so going to pay"

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