Let the "Fun" Begin

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Bayley (POV): "Bayley.. Bayley. BAYLEY HELP ME!" I woke up to see Sasha being dragged away by her legs by a robot that looked like a bear, so I immediately got out of bed and ran to Sasha who I managed to grab her hand "Bayley look out!" I turned around and saw chucky with a knife when he jumped on my back "Come on BAYLEY just let your fucking friend go and She'll be back after bray is done with her!" I started to thrash around as I didn't let go of Sasha but I felt her hands starting to become loser "Bayley Please don't- BAYLEY watch out!" "Ahhh!" I felt a sharp pain in hands when I realized that Chucky had stabbed my hands but I wasn't letting Sasha go "Bayley... Please Bayley!" I had loosened my grip when chucky stabbed my hands for the 3rd time and I tried to reach her but it was too late she was gone and all I heard down the hall was her screaming my name. I just slid my back against the door and fell to the ground crying not because I was in pain but because it may have been the last time that I'll see my best friend alive and I couldn't protect her like I promised. "Awe what's wrong bayley you couldn't make it to save your friend in time how sad but I know something that'll make you happy." I looked up to see chucky with two other robots that I saw in the hallway last night it was a bunny and a fox I got up and tried to open the door but the robots grabbed me by the arms. I was then struggling as they strapped my arms in the cuffs on the table. "Stop squirming or your punishment will be much worse", I turned my head to the side to see chucky with a bag. " What's in the ba-"I asked the doll when he put a rag inside and around my mouth. I started to thrash when I saw him pulling out a knife and some matches. "Hey bayley how about a nice logo on your stomach he he" Mmmm!" I started thrashing around even more as he was lighting the knife on fire. After a few seconds he seemed satisfied and the robots held my legs down while Chucky picked up my shirt up to wear my stomach was reaveled."MMMMMMM" I had tears running down my face I couldn't escape from the pain he was about to put me through. MMM-Ahh!" I screamed in pain through the rag As Chucky started craving my skin and the smell of my own burning flesh I passed out. After a few minutes what's felt like hours the pain finally stopped and i felt the robots release their grip and someone releasing the cuffs and I felt myself on top of a bed but as I woke up right before chucky left I shouted "Hey where is Sasha what is Bray doing to her!?" "If I were you I'd heal your best friend when he's done with her." He shut the door and I heard it lock from the outside I got up but stopped immediately as my stomach was burned really bad. I had looked down to see what "Logo" Chucky was talking about and I saw "Firefly Funhouse" carved into my abdomen and it was still a little fresh. So I laid back down on the bed and started crying because the pain was just unbearable, i had to find sasha and make sure bray or that stupid doll hasn't hurt my best friend. So as i got up and started making my way to the door i started to get really dizzy but when i stopped i was about to fall on the floor but luckily i managed to catch myself when all of a sudden i hear screaming and it sounded like it was coming from the other room down the hall then i realized that it was Sasha screaming. So i immediately started running and tried to open the door but it was locked i started pounding the door, "SASHA SASHA CAN YOU HEAR ME!...BRAY PLEASE STOP HURTING HER...PLEASE!..." I started crying again as i slide down against the door with my face in my hands. "Sasha i'm so sorry...i'm so sorry", i said to myself while walking back to the bed that me and Sasha slept on as i laid down before i closed my eyes i only thought of Sasha and wondered if i'd ever see her alive, but one thing was for sure if she'd had any cuts or bruises i'd take care of them first before showing her my "logo" that was carved in my stomach.   
Sasha (POV): I was with my arms wrapped above my head with chains again. Bray had just finished hitting my stomach with a belt that had spikes on it, so my stomach had a few small cuts from how hard bray was hitting me. He hit me a total of 20 times until he had seen blood then he stopped. "Bray please don't hurt me anymore please", I begged him with tears running down my face, but he wasn't listening to me as he was talking to chucky who had started walking over to me with a knife and some matches in his hands.  " Looks like it's time for the real punishment " he told me as he was putting the lited match upon the knife making the knife glow as it was getting hotter. After a few seconds the knife was glowing red and I was trying my best to  get out of my restraints when bray put his hand on my face and I just closed my eyes as I felt tears start falling from my eyes. "Listen Sasha after this you and bayley get to have some food and rest for the remainder of the day and I'm pretty sure bayley is going to be so happy to see you", he said in my ear that sent chills down my spine but I completely forgot about bayley. I opened my eyes when I felt Bray's hand was gone from my face only to see the robots that had taken me earlier start uncuffing me I tried to run only to get kicked in the stomach as the robots put me on the table and cuffed my hands above my head  again. The robots held my legs down so I couldn't struggle as chucky was about to place the knife in me I only thought of Bayley and wishing that she could save me from the torture I was about to receive, but Bray told me that she had already gotten the same punishment that I am about to get.
" Please don't-Ah Ah!" I screamed as I felt the knife go in my skin as chucky started carving I just kept screaming in agony begging for him to stop. After what felt like an hour chucky finally stopped and had gotten down from the table and the robots let my legs go and started to uncuff me but held me up so I was facing bray "You see Sasha both of you could've been alright and you wouldn't have this-" He pointed to my freshly burnt skin. "But both of you decided to try to escape, so I had no choice but to punish both of you with that being said-" he the grabbed my face and got closer "This will be the only warning you two will get next time I catch you two trying to escape both of you will be forced to do something you will regret GOT IT!" I just nodded. "Good now take her back to the room and lock it and you two will be switching shifts to make sure  they don't escape" he told the robots and chucky if they do get out I give you permission to torture them until I get to that room "Yes sir". As the robots were taking me to the room I noticed that this place looked like an abandoned building but had all the electricity working I wonder if he's fixed this place before he kidnapped both of us.

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