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As Sasha was brought back to the room the robots just threw her in as they opened the door. Sasha was on the floor as she looked back at chucky who had a evil glare in his eyes which kind of scared Sasha. As soon as the door closed and heard it lock Sasha got up and started walking towards the door while clutching her stomach as the pain was really starting to get to her. She put her ear close to the door and could hear the robots walking back and forth "I guess bray wasn't kidding about us not escaping but we needed to get out of here." "Sasha?" Bayley said as she was also clutching her stomach. "Sasha what did he...?" Bayley stopped as she had noticed that Sasha had her hands up as if someone was going to attack her. "Hey Sasha..." Bayley said in a calm voice as she was approaching her friend "Hey hey look it's me I'm not going to hurt you" she said as she was reaching for Sasha's arms to pull them down from her face. Sasha kind of jolted when bayley put her hands on her arms but calmed down after she recognized bayley "Sasha I'm so sorry I... I'm so-" Sasha just put her arms around her "Don't say you're sorry especially to me you tried to save me" Bayley started crying and hugged her even tighter " Bayley it's okay... I'm just happy that you're alive and that nothing happened to you". Bayley released the hug and just looked down when Sasha said that ;"Nothing happened to you right?" Sasha Asked her at that moment Bayley moved her hand from her stomach and Sasha's jaw dropped "Bray didn't-". "No Chucky did it I tried to fight back but the robots pinned my legs down and my arms were cuffed above my head I passed out from the smell of the burning flesh and it still hurts". "Yeah I can tell" "What about you?" Bayley asked Sasha. Bayley saw Sasha's wound on her stomach "Sash are you okay?" Sasha didn't say anything and went to the room to get the medical stuff to clean both their wounds before they got infected.
Bayley (POV): After we both cleaned our wounds we both laid down on the bed for a little while in silence. When all of a sudden the door opened causing both of us to jump a little when we saw bray walk in with what looked liked food. "Well good evening ladies i hope both of you had plenty of time to rest after your punishments a few hours ago", bray said to both of them. "yeah sure" Sasha said in a scared tone in her voice. I had noticed that Sasha was shaking a bit so i slid her hand on hers and started rubbing her hand gently so she could relax. "So why don't you two come sit and we'll have some dinner together as a family" bray said while gestering to the table that was in the middle of the room with three seats where i received my logo earlier in the morning. "Um s...sure" i said kind of nervously as bray kept looking at both of us waiting for an answer "Great I'll be right back I just need to go get the plates and utensils" he said as he was walking out the door and I heard it lock. "Are you okay dude?" I asked her "Bayley I don't like this he said family I don't want to be part of his"family" and I miss Ryu and flex" " Hey our dogs will be fine all we need to worry about for now is trying to get out of here but for now let's just play along with this whole "family" thing maybe then he'll leave the door open because he trusts us and we'll try to escape again but we need to have a plan okay" I told her but I'll admit I miss the dogs too. "Okay shall we eat then" bray said snapping me out of my thoughts.
As we sat at the "table" I kept noticing that Sasha kept looking down at her food. "So bray are we still friends?" I asked a little nervously. "Yes we are I just wanted to feel what it was like to have a family of my own so I chose you two since we're very close together you know" bray said with a smile on his face. "So why did you kidnap us then bray?" Sasha asked. "I am protecting you from chucky he's the one that told me to do this so he could have the opportunity to Get out of the doll body and that's it no more questions" bray said sternly. I saw Sasha look down as if she was afraid to ask anymore questions. "Sasha sweetie you need to eat" bray said in the most nicest yet creepiest way that sent chills down my spine and I could tell that she was starting to get a little bit more uneasy but she still wouldn't touch her food "Sasha I am not going to ask again now eat your food or else" he said in a Stern tone. I started to get concern as i saw bray's expression change real quick but Sasha would still not eat not even pick at her food. "I am not going to ask again" he said to her as he was getting up from his seat, I became concerned as Sasha was looking at me almost as if she was begging me for help but I was afraid to do anything. All of a sudden bray lunges at my best friend and puts his hand inside her mouth and pins her to the ground I immediately got up and jumped on his back and trying to pull him off of Sasha but I ended up getting tossed onto my back and recieved a few punches to my face. I turned to see him leaving but before bray closed the door I said " Bray I I thought we were friends " Bray turned back looking me straight in the eyes and said " He Will be back for both of you tomorrow so get some sleep " And then he shut the door locking it behind him.

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