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Bayley POV: I managed to break both of our falls luckily, but we're both banged up pretty good. But now were both floating in a giant stream and I can't swim, so Sasha is holding me up to stay afloat. "Here Sasha stop here" I said to her and she managed to get both of us to shore. I could tell that Sasha was pretty tired and it's getting pretty dark but I was debating weither or not to find shelter or just stay here until dawn. "Bayley my leg is pretty banged up I can't walk on it." Sasha said to me "Okay we're going to take it slow and maybe we should find shelter for tonight?" "Yeah definitely and we need to get warm too." Sasha said. So I helped Sasha up but she started screaming in pain "Sasha what's wrong?" I asked in concerned. "It's my leg it hurts pretty bad." Sasha said. "Ok well do you want me to carry you?" "Um are you able to carry're banged up yourself" "Sasha I'm fine trust me." So I picked her up bridal style and she hung on to me as we were walking through the woods.
"Bayley I see a cave that we can spend the night in" Sasha said to me after a while if walking. I agreed and went to the cave at least we'll be able to sleep through the night peacefully for once but I wanted to get out of the rain so I walked fast. I put Sasha down gently and made a fire with 2 sticks I found. "Bayley where are you going?" Sasha asked me while I was heading out. "I'm going to go get more wood so we could built another fire to dry out clothes and to keep the fire going as well." "Bayley wait." I turned to see Sasha "Just promise me you'll be safe we don't know if he's looking for us" "I will plus i stole this knife so I'll be fine I'll be back soon" I said as I started making my way out in the rain to go look for wood. "Please come back safe."I heard Sasha say as I saw her drifting off to sleep.

I was gathering sticks that weren't wet for the fires "Man this was a bad idea i barley had maybe at least 7 sticks that weren't completely wet." I thought to myself as i started making my way back to the cave. As i was walking back i saw a glimpse of what looked liked a kid "Hey!" I shouted hopefully the kid heard me, but the kid just kept staring me not even moving which creeped me out so as i made my way closer to the kid i realized that there was no one there. "Okay this just got creepy...I better make my way to Sasha." I said out loud but to myself. I walk over to Sasha and slowly woke her up "Hey i'm back with some wood sorry it's not a lot but at least it's just for now until we go to sleep." "I mean at least it's something dude" Sasha said to me in a sleepy voice.

Me and Sasha took off our clothes to dry them off and it wasn't akward cause were both used to dressing and undressing in front of each other for the T.V shows anyways. "Hey Sasha can i ask you something?" i said after a long while. "Yeah?" "Okay i know this is going to sound crazy but did you see anyone or like a kid roaming around the woods?" i asked. "No not that i know of." "hmm i thought you would've cause while i was walking to get wood i saw what looked like a kid and when i went up to see if they needed help it just disappeared." i said. "Maybe you were probably seeing things because you're tired and you do look exhausted dude." Sasha said i let out a yawn before saying "Yeah we were in that stream for quite a's your leg doing by the way?" "I mean for now it just looks bruised up as far as i can see with the fire." Sasha said "We'll have a look at it in the morning okay Sash for now i think both of us need sleep" I said but i didn't realize that Sasha was already asleep on my shoulder, so i slowly put her down to turn off the fire that was keeping us warm and not the one that was drying our clothes just in case an animal were come in here. As i was about to go to sleep i saw the kid again this time near our shelter, but when i went to go see the kid it disappeared again "Maybe i am seeing things and needed sleep." I said so i went and hugged Sasha to at least provide both of us some warmth throughout the night.

Sasha POV: I was hugging bayley because there were wolves howling throughout the night and she had a panic attack, so i hugged her until she was asleep but i'll have to admit it was pretty peaceful hearing wolves throughout the night. "Hey bayley wake up" I said while gentley moving her shoulder "A-Are they gone?" she asked me "Yes they are it's okay now." She then got up and handed me my clothes. After we had finished getting dressed i had a really good look at my leg and i tried walking on it again which i could so i guess all i needed was rest and the swelling had gone down a lot, but it had a lot of brusing. "You can walk on it now?" Bayley said almost in disbelief with a little bit of excitment. "Yeah but it's pretty bruised up though" "Yeah i can tell." Bayley told me.

"Here i have some berries i picked from last night...these should help at least til i find something to kill you know." Bayley said while she was handing me the berries from her pocket. "You sure don't want them at least half the portion?" I said as we were walking through the forest. "It's up to let's take a break" She said while sitting on a rock. Bayley kept half of the berries and i had the rest but it was pretty peaceful here in these woods.

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