Escape Attempt 2 Continued

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Bayley (POV): I was Continuing to follow Sasha as she was ahead of me as we tried to continue to find our way out of this place. "Hey Sasha how much farther it is starting to become kind of hot in here", i asked her because it was starting to become hotter the longer we stayed there. "I really don't know we haven't found a single opening at all dude, maybe we should turn back?" "Dude turn back? Are you even listening to yourself. Sasha if we turn back bray may have a punishment for us waiting there ?" I told my best friend straight out kind of sounding harsh but i had to snap her back into reality because we were both basically asking for suicide if we went back there. "You do have a point bayley. Okay let's keep going". After a while of what felt like 2 hours crawling through the vent me and Sasha stopped for a break. I couldn't see her face but i could tell that both of us were drenched in sweat. "Bayley i think i may have found a way out but be careful this panel looks like it may give out", Sasha told me while she was pointing at the panel she managed to get across. I Noticed that Sasha Kept going but i kept hearing these noises coming below us and sounded like it was raining outside because it was thundering but i just ignored it cause it was bray trying to scare us into coming out but i am very scared of thunder. I kept staring at the panel but every time i tried to get on it to get across it would start making squeaking noises as it was about to break so i kept stepping back and breathing harder and shaking as the thunder was really loud.

Sasha (POV):"We're almost there to the gate bayley". I didn't hear her coming behind me then i remembered that it was raining and thundering outside, so i called out to her again but a little louder hopefully she'd hear me " Bayley where are you?" After a while i started to worry that she may have broken the panel and had fallen into a room, so i started to crawl back slowly while calling out to her, but when i found her she hadn't broken the panel and fallen which was good. But what i had noticed was that she was shaking and crying "Bayley are you okay What's wrong?" "Sasha i'm scared of thunder, and...and i don't want to break the panel but every- (Thunder Strikes) every time the thunder strikes when I try to move the panel squeaks and i just freeze and i can't move i'm scared Sasha", Bayley Whimpered to me. " Here bayley grab my hands so just in case the panel does break you won't fall and I'll pull you up okay." I told bayley as calmly as I could. She still wouldn't move but then I remembered the thunder is what really has her frightened and unable to move, so I moved just enough to where she was able to grab me and I could pull her fast.

Bayley (POV): I looked at Sasha and I noticed that she had her hands out, so I grabbed them and started crawling towards her while she held my hands. I managed to get on the panel when the thunder struck again and I froze again still holding on to Sasha's hands. "Bayley your okay i'm here." Sasha told me. As i was about to continue crawling i felt the panel slowly starting to slip under me and i froze again "Sasha i-i can't i'm scared" i told my best friend. "Hey you're almost there just keep going if the panel does give out i'll pull you up" I heard Sasha Say to me but I couldn't move I was still scared of it collapsing "Bayley i won't let you fall i promise" Sasha said to me; "Okay i'm ready" i said, so Sasha moved back a little to let me cross, but she still had a grip on my hands just in case i do fall. Just as i was about to move i heard the panel break and i felt my legs fall beneath me "Sasha!" i screamed as i fell through and closed my eyes "Bayley i got you it's okay" i heard my best friend say. I opened my eyes to see that i was dangling half way into a room. I didn't really have a good look at the room as Sasha was pulling me up but i did see a cage and a door across from it. "Hey you alright Bayley?"Sasha asked me after she had finished pulling me up. "Yeah i'm fine i ju-" (Thunder strike) "Oh shit" I felt myself going backwards and i thought i was going to fall when i felt Sasha pull me forward into her body hugging me. "Hey relax it's okay" I heard her say to me as she was hugging me and i'll admit i felt safe and protected that i was able to relax because my body was tensed up. "Sasha i am sorry", i told her while still hugging her " What do you mean?" She asked me while I was looking at her face " For not telling you I was afraid of thunder" "Hey it's okay at least I know now" She told me "Yeah you do and it's a go-" (Thunder strike) Sasha hugged me again "hey do you want to wait until it stops then we'll keep moving does that sound okay?" "No let's keep going plus you said we're close to an exit here and I don't want to stay in this vent any longer" I said releasing the hug. "Okay then let's get going"
They both were unaware that there was a little speaker that they couldn't see but chucky had heard everything they had said.
Chucky (POV): "Oh they think they're so slick I'm going to torture bayley so badly that She'll have trouble sleeping tonight" I said but bray wants me to torture Sasha first I don't know how but apparently he wants me to put on mental asylum sounds and leave her in the dark until he was finished with bayley and then wants to leave them both in the cell like that until he feels they both learned their lesson. "Man but once I get rid of bray and these robots those girls are my only hope at getting out of this body" I said while accidentally walking into bray. "Hey bray good news I know bayley fear it's thunder" "That's some nice work chuck" he said to me sarcastically. "So bray when can I take over the girls so I can get out of this body?" "Til the day I die now go see if they're in the trap and get the freezer ready" He said sternly. I checked the room to see if they're were in cage and they weren't but as bray put it "it's all just a waiting game", so I just went to go take care of the freezer and went back to Bray's room. " I can't wait to kill bray, I can't wait to kill him" I said to myself when all of a sudden there was a crash in the room where I just checked "See what I mean it's all just a Waiting game chucky" he said as we were walking towards the room.

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